Aromatherapy for the Parents of Teenagers

Written by Francoise Rapp

If you arerepparttar parent of a teen, you are certainly aware of how much your family dynamics have changed in recent years. It doesn't seem all that long ago that you wererepparttar 111642 center of your children's universe. Remember when you wererepparttar 111643 one they came to when they had bruised shins and broken hearts? Well your once-little baby is now approaching adulthood, testing his or her independence, and at times your patience.

You may find yourself struggling with many dichotomies. For instance, while you are aware of and respect your teen's growing demands for privacy, you may have concerns about his or her friends and interests. Or you may want to establish strong boundaries, and yet atrepparttar 111644 same time you want to help your teen become independent.

So while your teenager is facing a profound transition in life, you as a parent are as well. Now isrepparttar 111645 time to evaluate issues not only with your children, but also with yourself. What are your boundaries? Are you a secure and trusting person? Are you someone with whom your teen can and wants to communicate?

If you feel you need guidance with some of these issues, there are many great books onrepparttar 111646 market about raising teens. Establish a support system with other parents in your community. You can also find wonderful support systems via online parenting communities and chat rooms.

Meanwhile,repparttar 111647 use of aromatherapy on a daily basis will help you stay balanced, gain more insight, open yourself to trust your teen, and communicate your feelings and life perspective in a compassionate and calm manner. Below are several aromatherapy recipes to help you surviverepparttar 111648 teen years!

Each recipe below should be prepared in a 10ml bottle. Pourrepparttar 111649 essential oils first and then add organic vegetable oil to fill.

******** Blend for Tranquility ******** This blend will help you to remain balanced. It will calm your mind and emotions when you experience symptoms of stress and nervous tension.

-6 drops Sandalwood -7 drops Lavender -5 drops Marjoram -2 drops Rose otto

Massagerepparttar 111650 solar plexus and abdomen. Pour one-third ofrepparttar 111651 blend into your warm bathwater and soak for at least 15 minutes. Pour a few drops intorepparttar 111652 palm of your hands and inhale deeply as needed throughoutrepparttar 111653 day.

Lia Beamer: A New Hero Emerges

Written by Janet Bishop

Lisa Beamer: A New Hero Emerges She took torepparttar skies to make a statement against fear, against terrorism, and as an expression of her personal faith in God. She met with Todd's associates inrepparttar 111641 hope of raising funds forrepparttar 111642 Todd M. Beamer Foundation, dedicated to assistingrepparttar 111643 22 children who lost parents aboard Flight 93. Her hope is that those child- ren will grow up intorepparttar 111644 kind of people who "can make courageous and and moral decisions."

And so recently a new hero has emerged- as Lisa Beamer retraced her late husband's steps- boardingrepparttar 111645 same Newark to San Fran- cisco flight that Todd Beamer took that terrible day in September 2001. She completedrepparttar 111646 flight he began, meeting with associates, that Todd was on his way to visit.

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