Arm Yourself Against Snoops With Spyware Counterintelligence

Written by Heather Wallace

Spyware isrepparttar cyber-equivalent of a peeping Tom. No one would think of sitting by while someone hide inrepparttar 118493 bushes watching their every move, so why do so many allow spyware snoops to moniter them online? In some casesrepparttar 118494 answer is simple. They may not even know that they are being watched.

Spyware comes in all shapes and sizes. It can simply be annoying or it can be downright dangerous. The more worrisome varieties of spyware can:

1. Slow down your system 2. Crash your PC 3. Log your keystrokes 4. Log your email 5. Log your chat sessions 6. Steal credit card details 7. Capture passwords 8. Screen capture your display 9. Collect personal data 10. Collect financial information

What isrepparttar 118495 Purpose of Spyware?

There are many different parties who may want to collect your personal, financial, or sensitive information and there are several reasons why they might want to have it. Usually spyware users are:

1. Marketing Companies - They gather data from your PC about which sites you visit, which products you purchase, and details aboutrepparttar 118496 email that you send.

2. Family Members - Even your own loved ones may be monitoring your activity. Parents can use spyware to keep tabs onrepparttar 118497 sites that their children frequent and suspicious spouses could easily use spyware to track their mates activity online.

3. Roommates - Roommates are also possible spyware users. For example, when students enter college they must cohabitant with people that they don't even know. One of those people could easily be an unscrupulous person who is gathering important information with spyware.

4. Employers - Many employers, concerned about employees wasting time online, have installed snoopware on company computers. This software is designed to moniter both online and email activity. Your employer, therefore, could be monitoring you and judging you based not on your work performance, but rather onrepparttar 118498 content of your email andrepparttar 118499 sites that you visit while at work.

5. Crime Organizations - Thieves and all sorts of nefarious sorts use spyware everyday to collect credit card details, social security numbers, passwords, etc. They then use this information to steal your identity and, inrepparttar 118500 process, make a considerable amount of money while ruining your credit and your reputation.

6. Identity Thieves - Spyware is a vital tool in an identiy thefts arsenal. It allows them to gather detailed information that they can then use to masquerade as you.

Is There More Than One Type of Spyware?

Spyware is just a broad term for a variety of different programs. A few ofrepparttar 118501 more common forms of spyware include:

1. Adware - Those annoying pop-ups ads that plaster your screen fall intorepparttar 118502 category of adware. Adware also refers to any advertiser supported program. In order to display ads that are targeted to your interests your activity is monitored and, based on your habits, you are shown ads that should be of interest to you. Adware also puts a strain on your system resources because it must connect to a remote server in order to communicate your personal information with whomever is monitering you.

Fight 1337 Speak... Please Help Save Our Language

Written by Daniel Punch

"OMFG! W00+!!! Dat s0000000 Kewl!!!!1! Dat is teh LOL!!!!" It's happening. The Internet is invading our lives and our minds and corrupting as it progresses. Shorthand is destroying our youths' spelling and grammar. Inrepparttar worst cases these Internet phrases even are spilling over into every day life. I still shudder with horror rememberingrepparttar 118492 day that someone actually said 'LOL' to me.

I'm not some old crab fighting againstrepparttar 118493 changes ofrepparttar 118494 world. I'm 19 years old and studying software engineering at university. I love computers and use instant messaging programs constantly, but there's a serious problem when I can't even read some ofrepparttar 118495 messages flowing between my younger siblings and their friends. With sentences such as 'OMFG! ROTFLMAO! RTFM N00B!' being thrown around liberally,repparttar 118496 state of global communication is in jeopardy!

So, here are some helpful tips to keep your messages legible and English:

- Judicious use of acronyms will save time, but won't obscurerepparttar 118497 meaning of your sentences. The use of 'LOL' may indeed be an appropriate method to purvey your mirth over a particularly witty comment, but 'OMFG! Dat was teh LOL!' does not make sense (even when you unravelrepparttar 118498 acronyms into coherent words) and takes a lot longer to write. - 'Teh' is not a word; it is an honest spelling mistake that can easily be made when typing quickly. It should never be deliberately substituted forrepparttar 118499 original word, 'The', which containsrepparttar 118500 same three letters and takes just as long to write. - Letters are placed in a very specific order to create words. Permutations of letters create either nonsensical gibberish or another word entirely, one that will often seem contextually out of place if it is born of pure accident. Please keep your letters in an orderly group. - The word 'so' is spelt with just one 'O'. The word 'well' is spelt with just one 'E'. Adding superfluous letters to your words is actually undoingrepparttar 118501 effect that your gratuitous use of Internet acronyms are supposed to have on your message length.

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