Arm Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders

Written by Rick Mitchell

Most people new to bodybuilding pay a lot of attention to building big arms, sometimes torepparttar point of overtraining. Don't forget,repparttar 113030 arm muscles are brought into play during most exercises aimed at other body parts so care must be taken not to overdo things.

Having said that,repparttar 113031 arms are complex body parts in their own right and deserve a properly focused exercise program. In basic termsrepparttar 113032 arm consists of three main muscle groups:

1. Biceps brachii - two muscles atrepparttar 113033 front upper arm that run fromrepparttar 113034 elbow torepparttar 113035 shoulders.

2. Triceps brachii - three muscles atrepparttar 113036 rear upper arm that run fromrepparttar 113037 elbow torepparttar 113038 shoulder.

3. Forearm - several smaller muscles that run fromrepparttar 113039 elbow torepparttar 113040 wrist.

There are seven classic exercises that will allow beginners to get off to a good muscle building start without overstraining their bodies. For all ofrepparttar 113041 exercises that follow, use a weight that is light enough to allow between 10-15 reps.

Three biceps building exercises are recommended for beginners:

1. Standing barbell curl - 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - L-Taurine

Written by Rick Mitchell

Taurine isrepparttar second most abundant amino acid inrepparttar 113029 muscle after glutamine. It performs several useful functions and can act in a way similar to creatine in that it expands cells by helpingrepparttar 113030 muscle to hold more water, thus increasing cell volume. The added benefit for bodybuilders is that these expanded muscle cells boost hydration and stimulate greater protein synthesis giving an enhanced muscle fullness.

The best time for bodybuilders to take taurine is thirty minutes

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