Aristotle the Alchemist

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

He is unlikerepparttar noble Plato. Plato is related torepparttar 138094 wise Solon and Critias who was a Pyramid priest in Egypt so we can be sure there was some De Danaan in his blood. Plato created an enduring hierarchy that seeks to set some men above others; I think Aristotle can be excused for cow-towing torepparttar 138095 political forces of his day until such time as he had to get out of town after Alexander died suddenly. He himself diedrepparttar 138096 next year. As I read Aristotle I think he wrote knowing more than he let on. I know he respected Socrates who told all comers not to put true wisdom in front of Sophists or those who might abuserepparttar 138097 knowledge. The logic of syllogism or commonly accepted principles and arguments is a powerful mind control device to this day.

It is important forrepparttar 138098 real researcher to look pastrepparttar 138099 superficial anthologies of his work and to read his Secretum Secretorum which is not even mentioned in those anthologies at my local library. The Secretum was an explanation of alchemy for Alexander who setrepparttar 138100 alchemist family named Ptolemy in charge of Egypt. Ptolemy had Manetho do a Kings List to link himself torepparttar 138101 De Danaan hero named Herakles. Alexander may have foundrepparttar 138102 Emerald Tablet or Tabula Smaragdina inrepparttar 138103 grave of Hermes Trismegistus at Hebron. Some people think this Tablet withrepparttar 138104 Dictum of Hermes orrepparttar 138105 Magian Law known as ‘As Above, SO Below’ isrepparttar 138106 Holy Grail and they imagine it was at Oak Island afterrepparttar 138107 Merovingians brought it there. The ‘green vitreole’ it was made of was indeed an immortal and vital component inrepparttar 138108 esoteric searches of those who are called De Brix.

Here is something that still hauntsrepparttar 138109 minds of people in science asrepparttar 138110 History of Psychology gives us some idea of what Aristotle sought to understand.

”The Third Period of Greek Speculation -- Objectivism.

Aristotle andrepparttar 138111 Rise of Objectivism. -- It would seem that Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), without doubtrepparttar 138112 greatest scientific man, if not alsorepparttar 138113 greatest speculative genius, that ever lived, arose to restorerepparttar 138114 empirical tradition to philosophy afterrepparttar 138115 plunge into absolutism. The time was ripe forrepparttar 138116 foundation of empirical psychology, and following his scientific instinct, he founded it. Butrepparttar 138117 time was not ripe for its entire philosophical justification, and he did not justify it. He hadrepparttar 138118 right to found formal logic, and he took advantage ofrepparttar 138119 right. His achievements in natural science, politics, aesthetics, and ethics are also those of a man ofrepparttar 138120 highest constructive genius.

These remarks follow fromrepparttar 138121 one statement that Aristotle developed bothrepparttar 138122 empiricism of method of Socrates andrepparttar 138123 rationalistic logic that Plato inherited inrepparttar 138124 Ionic and Pythagorean tradition. Confining ourselves torepparttar 138125 psychological bearings of his views, we will look at his doctrine from both sides, takingrepparttar 138126 metaphysical first.

Aristotle distinguished four sorts of "cause," as working together in things: "efficient," "formal," "final," and "material" cause. Of these, three fell together onrepparttar 138127 side of form (eidoV), manifested in reason, soul, and God. The fourth,repparttar 138128 material cause, [p. 61] is matter ('ulh). This is Aristotle's interpretation of dualism. Aristotle declares that final cause wasrepparttar 138129 relatively new conception which had been clearly distinguished before him only by Anaxagoras.

But matter is not an independent principle: it exists only in connection with form and design. It is a limitation, a relative negation. The only independent absolute principle is God, who is, as inrepparttar 138130 Platonic teaching, both Reason andrepparttar 138131 Good.

With such a metaphysics, there is no positive justification of science, psychological or other. Objective nature is teleological, an incorporation of reason, which gives it its form, movement, and final outcome. Life is a semi-rational teleological principle, working to an end -- a vitalistic conception. All form in nature isrepparttar 138132 product of a formative reason. Natural phenomena are not purely quantitative; formal distinctions are qualitative.

The objective world is thus given its right to be; but it is a world in which reason is immanent. There are two great modes of reason, considered as cause, inrepparttar 138133 world: a cause is either a potency (dunamiV), or an act, called "entelechy" (enteleceia) or actuality (energeia). Reason or form, when not actual, slumbers as a potentiality in nature. Pure reason or God is pure actuality; matter is pure potentiality. As such God merely exists in eternal self-contemplation, apart fromrepparttar 138134 world. The heavenly bodies are made of ether (not matter like that ofrepparttar 138135 four elements) and have spirits; they are moved by love, directed toward God. In this we have a concrete rendering ofrepparttar 138136 ideas and divine love of Plato.

How well do you know your God?

Written by Terry Dashner

How well do you know your God?

Terry Dashner……………………Faith Fellowship Church PO Box 1586 Broken Arrow, OK 74013

First impressions are important. Men and women alike place much emphasis on making a good first impression to a potential employer, a possible relationship, a business contact, and etc.

Considerrepparttar difference between knowing a person on first impression and knowing a person through years of experience. Some people build their success on their ability to make a good first impression—the smile,repparttar 137953 face,repparttar 137954 curly hair,repparttar 137955 interesting mannerisms. Yet when they are known through many experiences, their inherent superficiality or mediocrity may become known. Onrepparttar 137956 contrary, a person whose first impression is very unassuming may show throughrepparttar 137957 years that he is a very remarkable human being.

Now let me carry this further. How well do you know your God? God does not prove Himself to exist onrepparttar 137958 basis of a first impression or onrepparttar 137959 basis of an apparently airtight logical argument. Through many experiences, Israel would really come to knowrepparttar 137960 Lord. Through many divine revelations, many divine providences, many divine miracles, many theophanies Israel would arrive at an immovable conviction ofrepparttar 137961 reality of God asrepparttar 137962 living Lord.

As a matter of fact,repparttar 137963 Bible declares God to be a living God. What does this mean? Listen again torepparttar 137964 words of Professor Ramm, “The real issue inrepparttar 137965 Old Testament was which of allrepparttar 137966 competing gods wasrepparttar 137967 living Lord, The word living was used to indicate that God does make a difference. A god who is not living can make no difference; but a living God does make a difference. For this reason,repparttar 137968 logically ordered proof for God’s existence doesn’t exist inrepparttar 137969 Old Testament.

“The prophets set up certain differentia which would enable a person in doubt or confusion to determine which amongrepparttar 137970 gods wasrepparttar 137971 living God. The God who complied with such differentia wasrepparttar 137972 living God, andrepparttar 137973 god or gods who couldn’t were not gods at all. Thereforerepparttar 137974 emphasis is onrepparttar 137975 living God, forrepparttar 137976 living God can make a difference; a dead god cannot.”

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