Are you following up effectively?

Written by Bob Kosimov

One ofrepparttar successful methods in online marketing is collecting visitors' emails in exchange for a free report or an ebook and follow up with new products and services.

It's a known fact that 75% of visitors don't buy on their first visit and it might take up to 7 follow ups before they buy anything from you.

A well-written follow up letter will do three things:

·improve your response rate ·better your site's ranking with Search Engines ·and increase sales

So, what should you write in your letter that could do allrepparttar 100659 three above?

First, create a headline for your follow up letter. Put yourself in your reader's shoes, would you click on it if it was in your inbox along with some other newsletters your reader may have signed up for? If you would then go with it and make sure that it's easy to understand and yet enticing enough to get a click.

An effective follow up letter isrepparttar 100660 one that is written from first hand, i.e. if you have triedrepparttar 100661 product, it would be easier for you to recommend it, because you would know allrepparttar 100662 benefits of it.

So, in your follow up letter tell your readers how it helped you and how it can help them, too. If you are promoting your own product it's even better, because you already know how others can benefit from it. Remember, people always look for solutions to their problems and want to feel better.

When it Comes to Internet Advertising, Return on Investment is the Biggest Concern for Vacation Rental Brokers and Property Managers

Written by Jackie Moniot

December 7, 2004 – According to a recent survey of vacation rental Brokers and property managers from different regions ofrepparttar U.S., most expressedrepparttar 100658 value in advertising onrepparttar 100659 Internet and cited a generous return on investment as their biggest expectation from it. Eighty-eight percent of those Brokers advertise their vacation rentals onrepparttar 100660 Internet and most (41%) spend between $1,000-$5,000 dollars per year on Internet advertising.

All but one ofrepparttar 100661 27 Brokers surveyed said they had their vacation rentals listed on their own website and would therefore benefit fromrepparttar 100662 use of’s advertising options and direct link to their website. When asked how many website click throughs must occur in order for a reservation to occur, most had no idea. Less than half of these Brokers can calculate their return on investment and do not track Internet user activity.

The majority (69%) of those surveyed said that it takes them approximately 1 to 5 phone calls to result in a rental reservation being booked. This means thatrepparttar 100663 most of these people would benefit from a toll-free phone number provided to them on their ad. conducted this survey in October 2004 atrepparttar 100664 Vacation Rental Managers Association 2004 Conference (VRMA).

All ofrepparttar 100665 advertising packages on include a Broker logo that clicks through to their website, and a trackable toll-free phone number. Calculating return on investment is easy with’s detailed and thorough tracking. With this reporting feature, Brokers can determinerepparttar 100666 number of times visitors viewed their property, clicked through to their website, called their property andrepparttar 100667 length and duration of each call.

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