Are you addicted to TV?

Written by Katherine Westphal

It is 2AM and you are blankly staring at a rerun of "Columbo". You meant to go to bed hours ago, butrepparttar time has somehow managed to slip through your fingers. Your hand reaches forrepparttar 110191 remote.

It's Saturday afternoon and your best friend since kindergarten calls and asks to meet with you over coffee. She has some exciting news, and she can't wait to share it. "Wait until "Friends" is over," you reply.

Sound familiar? If so, you may be addicted to your TV. TV has some funny effects onrepparttar 110192 brain. Most people are not aware of these effects. However,repparttar 110193 effects of TV onrepparttar 110194 brain are similar torepparttar 110195 effects of addictive drugs. The good news is, once you become aware of these effects, you can begin to reduce TV's addictive hold.


Everyone knows TV can be very relaxing. TV hasrepparttar 110196 ability to completely shut outrepparttar 110197 rest of our crazy world. Allrepparttar 110198 world's problems vanish as you are wrapped in a cozy TV Neverland. The relaxation is almost instantaneous. The quickness ofrepparttar 110199 relaxation conditions you to associate TV with relaxation. As long as you are watching TV, you feel relaxed.

Unfortunately, this sense of relaxation ends as soon asrepparttar 110200 TV is turned off. The cozy little Neverland disappears. You don't even getrepparttar 110201 benefit of a gradual withdrawal. Poof! Neverland is gone.

With drugs,repparttar 110202 faster a drug leavesrepparttar 110203 body,repparttar 110204 more addictive it is. The Scientific American researchers, Kubey and Csikszentmihalyi, who explored TV's addictive qualities, explain:

"A tranquilizer that leavesrepparttar 110205 body rapidly is much more likely to cause dependence than one that leavesrepparttar 110206 body slowly, precisely becauserepparttar 110207 user is more aware thatrepparttar 110208 drug's effects are wearing off. Similarly, viewers' vague learned sense that they will feel less relaxed if they stop viewing may be a significant factor in not turningrepparttar 110209 set off."

Afterrepparttar 110210 set is turned off you will feel either worse orrepparttar 110211 same as you did before watching TV. If you were trying to avoid painful feelings, those feelings will surge back when you reenterrepparttar 110212 real world. Worse, if you have acclimated to TV's forced relaxation by watching too much, you may become dependent onrepparttar 110213 TV to relax.

TV "Grabs" and "Holds" your attention

TV shows use cinematic tricks to "grab" and "hold"repparttar 110214 viewers attention. Humans brains are hard-wired to turn their attention to things that suddenly change inrepparttar 110215 environment. This is an evolutionary benefit for noticing potential threats. The body relaxes whilerepparttar 110216 brain gathers information. The technical term isrepparttar 110217 "orienting response".

TV's effects on your family: Lessons from the Easter Egg Hunt

Written by Katherine Westphal

It wasrepparttar big Easter Egg Hunt. My friend Christy and I lined up withrepparttar 110190 other kids. We all gazed greedily atrepparttar 110191 field of goodies before us. "GO!" yelledrepparttar 110192 announcer. En masse we rushed forwards. For some reason, everyone veered torepparttar 110193 left. I stopped. I glanced atrepparttar 110194 untouched feast to my right. I ran right, gleefully scoopingrepparttar 110195 candy beforerepparttar 110196 rest caught on. Atrepparttar 110197 end, I had a bagful of candy. Christy, who had followedrepparttar 110198 herd, had one piece. I was eight atrepparttar 110199 time, but I never forgot that day or its lessons.

What did I do differently fromrepparttar 110200 other kids that day? I simply stopped. I stopped, looked around, and analyzedrepparttar 110201 situation. And I leftrepparttar 110202 herd. I saw quickly that it was to my advantage NOT to followrepparttar 110203 herd that day.

Leavingrepparttar 110204 TV herd

In 2003 I leftrepparttar 110205 herd again in a much bigger way. I got rid of my TV. I am one of those rare few that do not have a TV, by choice. And I am reapingrepparttar 110206 benefits of being TV-free.

The reason? In 2001,repparttar 110207 kids and I were without TV for several months. Like I did when I was little, I stopped. This time I took notice ofrepparttar 110208 changes in my children and myself duringrepparttar 110209 time we did not have a TV. Then when we got it back, I took notice ofrepparttar 110210 changes again. Based on my observations, I decided we were better off without a TV. Stop and observe YOUR family

But it does not matter what TV does to me or my kids. It does not matter that numerous studies show TV's links to obesity, illiteracy, consumerism, etc. The real question is: How does TV affect you and your family? Find out by stopping and observing.

Zombie kids

Stop and observe how your body and mind react to TV. Look deeply into your kids zombie-like eyes as they watch TV. Compare that torepparttar 110211 look in their eyes as they play outdoors. How do you and your spouse look when watching TV? Take pictures if necessary.

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