Are Your Clients Buying What You're Selling?

Written by Kimberly Stevens

Linda felt like she had reached a plateau in her cleaning business. Forrepparttar past 3 years, she'd runrepparttar 106269 same ads inrepparttar 106270 same publications withrepparttar 106271 same results. She would generate enough new clients to make up forrepparttar 106272 ones she lost due to normal attrition, but she was never quite able to get beyond her mediocre success.

"I feel a little stuck," she shared in our last call. "Every time I try running another ad or sending another mailer, I only generate enough new work to make up forrepparttar 106273 additional cost I've expended. I can't hire an additional employee until I get more work, but I can't seem to get more work. I really want to make more income for myself and my family and think I could do it if I could just get some of these new marketing strategies to work out."

My next question threw her -- "What are you selling?" "What do you mean? I'm selling cleaning services," she responded. "No, what are you REALLY selling? Or look at it this way, what are your clients buying?"

It took a couple more rounds before she understood what I meant. Many service business owners run out torepparttar 106274 marketplace without a clear understanding of what they are selling or what their clients are buying. After awhile, they start getting clients byrepparttar 106275 shear fact that they've approached enough people to generate some interest. The problem comes once they've reached a plateau and can't seem to grow beyond it.

It's like golf. Anyone can learn to hitrepparttar 106276 ball and, if given enough strokes, get it inrepparttar 106277 hole. They can even become pretty good ... but only sometimes. The rest ofrepparttar 106278 time, they are hooking or slicing uncontrollably. They never play a consistent game. The key to success in golf is technique. If you dorepparttar 106279 right things consistently, you’ll play a good game every time (well, almost!).

In business, it’srepparttar 106280 same thing – you need to dorepparttar 106281 right things consistently. Almost anyone can learn how to make a sale. It might not be in record speed or at a profit, but they can makerepparttar 106282 sale. The key is in being able to generate sales consistently up to and beyond your plateau.

Linda thought she was selling cleaning services, but upon closer investigation overrepparttar 106283 next couple of weeks, she learned that her clients were buying something a lot different. Based on surveys she conducted with her current clients, she learned that they hired her because they were buying:

Saying No To Good Opportunities

Written by Kimberly Stevens

Tracey started her video production company 2 ½ years ago, and after struggling throughrepparttar start-up phase, she was finally reapingrepparttar 106268 fruits of her labor. When we talked, it was clear that she was ready to move onward and upward but didn’t know how to go about doing it.

“I am so busy these days, but I’m still not gettingrepparttar 106269 level of work I want,” Tracey told me. “I really want to get in with some bigger companies, but I’m always scrambling to get my current projects done.”

“When I first started my business, I just wanted to get some clients, any clients. Now, I have people calling me up to do jobs for them, but those aren’trepparttar 106270 jobs I want anymore. I mean, I need them, but I also want to start doing bigger projects for bigger clients.”

“Allrepparttar 106271 people calling me are small business owners I’ve met atrepparttar 106272 networking meetings I attend. I know we talked before aboutrepparttar 106273 fact that I’m not going to meetrepparttar 106274 reps fromrepparttar 106275 big companies there, so I need to develop a different marketing strategy to reach them, but I just don’t haverepparttar 106276 time. I keep thinking I’ll reach a point where I’ve got things under control, so I can start pursuingrepparttar 106277 bigger guys, but I never get there.”

It was clear that Tracey was exhausted from going throughrepparttar 106278 same cycle over and over again, so I thought I would give her brain a reprieve by taking her back in time. “Do you remember when you told me about that guy that you met at a networking meeting last year? He was hounding you about making him a video, but you really didn’t seerepparttar 106279 opportunity there. He didn’t seem to have any money budgeted for it and didn’t have a clear concept of why he needed it and what he would use it for. You just didn’t feel like he was a good prospect, so you told him that you were too busy to take on his project.”

“Yeah, what about him?”

“Well, there was a time when you would have seen him as a viable prospect. You would have set up a meeting, spent a few hours going to/fromrepparttar 106280 meeting, spent a few more writing up a proposal, placed numerous follow-up calls only to learn that there was ultimately no chance of getting a dime from this guy. Over time, you learned to qualify prospects, so you didn’t waste your time. Byrepparttar 106281 time you met that guy, you already knew how to spot a bad opportunity and had developedrepparttar 106282 ability to say “no” to them.

“He was easy to turn down. He just didn’t have a clue. There was no way he would have ever turned into a paying client, so it wasn’t hard at all to tell him that I couldn’t help him out. But, I’m not talking about people like that. The people calling me are good prospects, butrepparttar 106283 projects they need me to do are just small. I just want to start getting some bigger projects too.”

“Well, you say you’ve been trying to get around to marketing to bigger companies forrepparttar 106284 past eight months, right? But yet, you continue to go round-and-round hoping that you’ll suddenly findrepparttar 106285 perfect moment to work on your marketing strategy to reachrepparttar 106286 bigger companies. It hasn’t happened yet so, just for a moment, let’s assume that this cycle will continue indefinitely. What do you think it will take to break it?” I asked her.

“I don’t know. I keep waiting forrepparttar 106287 right time when things slow down, so I guessrepparttar 106288 cycle will end when things slow down enough for me to think about it. I was hopingrepparttar 106289 summer would give me a break, but it didn’t. Mayberepparttar 106290 holidays?”

Tracey was doing what a lot of us have done at some time or another. She was letting her business run her instead of her running it. So,repparttar 106291 summer didn’t breakrepparttar 106292 cycle andrepparttar 106293 holidays won’t breakrepparttar 106294 cycle. SHE needed to breakrepparttar 106295 cycle.

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