Are You a Future Leader?

Written by Bea Fields

One ofrepparttar most important qualities of a great leader forrepparttar 106073 future will be his or her ability to get along with people, to show compassion, and to make others feel good about themselves. This top ten will support you in becoming a great leader that others want to follow.

1. Ask each employee what he/she most values, and begin to set company goals to support these important aspects ofrepparttar 106074 lives of your employees.

2. Help people reach their full potential by catching them doing something great!

Compliment them on their successes, even if they are minute.

3. Distribute a monthly company newsletter, whose sole purpose is to recognize and congratulaterepparttar 106075 "wins and wows" of your employees.

People love to be recognized for their accomplishments, and this will instill a sense of pride in your employees.

4. Host one fun day each month.

Take employees to lunch, to a matinee, or host a party outside ofrepparttar 106076 office. This one day off will rejuvenate your employees and build loyalty torepparttar 106077 organization.

5. Build consensus by allowing employees to vote on changes withinrepparttar 106078 company.

Your job will be much easier if you haverepparttar 106079 support ofrepparttar 106080 people onrepparttar 106081 front line.


Written by Jeff Williams

I meet prospective entrepreneurs all ofrepparttar time - through my church, at my health club, and even at my neighborhood block party.

One ofrepparttar 106072 most common topics they want to discuss is whether they should look for a partner to help them start and run their business.

I know that it can be quite frightening to imagine quitting your job, investing part of your savings, and handling fifteen different tasks -- all by yourself!

But is a partnershiprepparttar 106073 right way for you to start your business?

> The Ups and Downs of A Partnership

There are good reasons to enter into a partnership in business, and some that can lead to disaster.

- Good Reasons

* Partnering with someone who can provide business-specific skills, contacts and relationships you feel your business needs, but which you do not personally possess.

E.G. A person who comes to your business with a highly useful Rolodex because of 20-years of selling experience in your intended industry.

* Partnering with someone who can help administer key areas of activity to permit you to focus more effectively on your area of greatest strength.

E.G. An individual who is good with numbers, while you love to work with people inrepparttar 106074 sales process.

* Someone who is truly committed to sharingrepparttar 106075 highs and lows ofrepparttar 106076 business and who will stand by you come thick or thin.

- Bad Reasons

* You need more money than you either can raise yourself, or feel comfortable putting up all by yourself.

You don't need a legal partner if all you need is money. It is preferrable to take out a home equity loan or find a private investor.

* You don't want to do allrepparttar 106077 work yourself.

If you feel you need additional labor, consider using an outside contractor, office temporary, a part-time high school kid or a relative. Do not give up ownership in your business just for another strong back.

* You are social friends and you think it would be fun to run a business with them.

A partnership gone bad can end a long-standing friendship very quickly. This can particularly be true of partnering with a relative.

> Till Death Do Us Part

Some people say I am being overly dramatic when I compare a potential business partnership to a marriage. Butrepparttar 106078 similarities are closer than you might think.

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