Are You Using the Wrong Promotions?

Written by Al Hanzal

Are You Usingrepparttar Wrong Promotions?

This issue isrepparttar 116462 fifth in my series of five articles that show yourepparttar 116463 little changes you can make to ensure more customers to your business.

This month’s article deals with how promotions can influence customers to your business. The best business promotions make it easier for your customers to buy from you; to buy more often from you; and to buy more products from you.

Fromrepparttar 116464 customer’s perspective, they must perceive more value from your promotion thanrepparttar 116465 cost involved. From your perspective,repparttar 116466 promotion must cost you little but add great value torepparttar 116467 customer.

Many popular business promotions fail because their only objective is to getrepparttar 116468 customer to buy now. Creating promotions that influencerepparttar 116469 customer to buy now, buy more often and buy more products are much more effective for your business.

Let’s look at two popular promotions to see their limitations and how they can be changed to fosterrepparttar 116470 goal of getting customers to buy now; to buy more often; and to buy more products or services.

Buy One Get One Free One popular promotion is, “Buy one, get one free” You can buy a pair of shoes or a shirt andrepparttar 116471 second pair or second shirt free.

What happens when you offer a two for one promotion? If your customer is smart like most consumers, they will be very happy to buy a shirt and get a second one free. This promotion may helprepparttar 116472 customer makerepparttar 116473 initial purchase, but why wouldn’t they wait until that promotion comes again before they make another purchase? You have cut your profits in half but you have not stimulatedrepparttar 116474 customer to make any additional purchases.

What if, instead of givingrepparttar 116475 second one free, you gave a related product free? Instead of giving two shirts forrepparttar 116476 price of one, you gave a free tie withrepparttar 116477 shirt? With this promotion,repparttar 116478 customer will still need another shirt and you have only given awayrepparttar 116479 smaller margin involved inrepparttar 116480 cost ofrepparttar 116481 tie.

Discount Coupons A second popular promotion is a “coupon for a percentage off ofrepparttar 116482 price ofrepparttar 116483 product. “ This could a coupon for $50.00 off ofrepparttar 116484 first purchase at your store.

How the Rich Invest Their Time

Written by Aaron Kater

If you don’t seem to have enough time in your day, you might want to invest some of it and read this article to find out how to create more valuable time in your day.

The rich are rich in part because they know how to invest their time wisely to create more time to find and build investments. To do this, they know exactly how to prioritizerepparttar things they have to do inrepparttar 116461 normal day:

Instead of doingrepparttar 116462 piddling things first, such as cleaning a minor mess, dropping off something, picking something up, ironing, or laundry (unless it’s critical!), or things like that, they dorepparttar 116463 most important/time-consuming things possible first; things like spending a set amount of time searching for a good investment property, things like investing time developing and promoting their website that pulls in extra cash, buying vending machines to place in shops, or, even more important than any of these things that will pull in money, investing time developing a deeper relationship with their family, and even more importantly, with God.

If you would like to know how to develop a deeper and closer relationship with God, or if you’re interested in learning how to develop a relationship with Him inrepparttar 116464 first place, please look for my article How The Rich Develop A Deeper Relationship With God.

To earn or create money, you need to have time. Time isrepparttar 116465 most crucial of allrepparttar 116466 things needed to become rich and/or wealthy. Even if you have plenty of money to invest, if you have no spare time to put it in an investment, allrepparttar 116467 money is good for is paying off bills, rather than putting it to work earning money to payrepparttar 116468 bills for you, without having to work.

Another extremely critical thing

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