Are You Tired, Yet?

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Are you tired of having more days atrepparttar end ofrepparttar 129148 month than money? Perhaps you've missed family time, due to overtime, just to make ends meet. Maybe, your credit card bills are rising, too. Only, Murphy's Law goes into effect aboutrepparttar 129149 time you'd intended to keep your word and pay on your debt. Suppose you borrowed from Peter to pay Paul, then failed at keeping your word to Peter, too. Exhausting creative ideas to your financial dilemma,repparttar 129150 end of your rope could be near.

Are you ready to give up and admitrepparttar 129151 solution is beyond your control? That would be a really good place to start because, then, we're ready to look higher for answers.

Our enemy isrepparttar 129152 same one it always was. "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy" (John 10:10) and he can not be dealt with by earthly methods. That's why God gave us 'how-to's', like this one.

"Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilledrepparttar 129153 law." Romans 13:8

Are we listening, really listening? Or, are we still inrepparttar 129154 mode of learning everythingrepparttar 129155 hard way? If you wantrepparttar 129156 answer, pay attention.

Owe no man any thing ...

Not ifrepparttar 129157 car breaks down,repparttar 129158 furnace goes out, or anything else goes wrong. God isn't kidding. Don't forget that He gets jealous. Your faith, forrepparttar 129159 remainder of your needs, is to be placed in none other than Him. If you have a debt to pay, pay it first. Just don't make any more debts.

In Ways You Never Dreamed

Written by Joyce C. Lock

When we're not right with ourselves, we're not right withrepparttar world, and we're not right with our God. It happens torepparttar 129146 best of us, brings outrepparttar 129147 worst in us, and affectsrepparttar 129148 rest of us.

No one can help us until we're ready to help ourselves. Often,repparttar 129149 least thing has become insurmountable. If we knew how to make it right, surely, most would.

Sincerepparttar 129150 beginning of time, people have prayed prayers (for help and guidance) that appear to go unheard. God has a better plan than taking us around a problem. It is to our advantage, working a far greater glory, when He takes us through it.

Bloom where you are planted. Do what you know to do. Takerepparttar 129151 step provided. Then, He'll show yourepparttar 129152 next step andrepparttar 129153 next.

One day, you'll look back to discover God was growing a most beautiful flower for His garden and that flower was you; sure, steady, faithful, and strong.

Don't think it strange when God chooses you for a time of growth, I Pe. 4:17. He wants to love you in ways you've never dreamed. In all things we are more than conquerors, when we go through it with Him that loved us, (par.) Ro. 8:37.

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