Are You The Next Internet Millionaire ?

Written by Michel Richer

If you're like most Internet users...your email inbox is bombarded with home business offer, but nothing's working ...and now you're wondering if anyone out there will ever really help you, or if they're all just trying to take MONEY from you!

Let's face it, we would all like MORE hours inrepparttar day... MORE time to enjoy withrepparttar 116598 kids, more time onrepparttar 116599 golf course... even more time withrepparttar 116600 spouse!

Let's talk face to face there is no easy way to succeed. Talk to people who succeed like George Walton of wal-mart or other like Donald Trump. They will tell you that it takes lot's of determination. You have to be a man of action to really succeed.

Like i said there is no easy road. But of course you can succeed like me. You have to be persistant.

You have to build your business brick by brick. One step at a time. You start atrepparttar 116601 base ofrepparttar 116602 ladder first.

Everyone who as succeeded in life have start atrepparttar 116603 base. Thats a fact of life. Likerepparttar 116604 man you are today, start as a baby.

Evenrepparttar 116605 most dynamic, highest-earning entrepreneurs inrepparttar 116606 industry took MONTHS to begin seeing an income of any real significance.

Andrepparttar 116607 real wealth,repparttar 116608 $100,000+ income we all strive for, took an average of almost 3 YEARS to achieve!

Do you think ANY of these gentlemen don’t thinkrepparttar 116609 ends justifiedrepparttar 116610 means?

Do you think for an instant thatrepparttar 116611 months and years invested hasn’t been rewarded a thousand times at least? You don't even have to think about it, do you?

So now you know ! It takes an average of 3 YEARS to build a significant income onrepparttar 116612 internet.

Every house is build brick by brick. So is your business !

Of course we all want to go faster. But we have to start atrepparttar 116613 base first. It's a basic law. We are subject to time and circumstances.

We have to learn. We have to experiment. With learning and experimenting we get experience. And with experience we become an expert.

We have to set goals. The goals will guide us one step at a time. It will will paverepparttar 116614 way to our success.

You cannot go on a road trip without knowing your destination. You need a map. You need time. You need to rest. You need to eat. And sometimes there is roadblock.

When we hit a dead end we turn back and take another road. But we keep going to our destination.

It'srepparttar 116615 same thing with your home business. There is bumps and jumps and sometimes we crash. But we always keep our eyes torepparttar 116616 goal. That is what give usrepparttar 116617 drive. It's our paradise. The goal become our existence. And it is.

By never, never giving up you will reach your goal one day. One mile at a time. It's impossible that you won't reach it. Unless you die.

That'srepparttar 116618 only secrets to success. One client at a time. One step at a time. 100 client at a time. Until you reach thousand like me and make your $100,000 a year and +.

To make $100,000 a year, start by making $100 per month. After $200 a month. And after $500 a month. And after $5000. And so on and so on.

Day by day, your on your way to succeed, week by week your on your way to succeed, month after month your on you way to succeed, year after year your on your way to succeed.

Until you reach your goal in 3 YEARS. (Maybe less, Maybe More.)

We reap what we sow, butrepparttar 116619 harvest is never inrepparttar 116620 same season asrepparttar 116621 planting! Today you are planting...and will be at least forrepparttar 116622 next several months.

Your harvest will come in time. Be persistent. Be patient. Think long term. Take action every day, (no matter how small) to build your business and you cannot fail.

The Truth Aboutt Getting Rich

Written by Eric L. Huntley

Two buddies graduated from high school one warm summer day. They both went on to get similar jobs with a manufacturing company. When it was time for their five-year high school reunion one shows up in an old suit and a car that is inrepparttar shop at least five times out ofrepparttar 116597 year. The other drives up in a new Mercedes Benz and wearing a $500 suit.

What maderepparttar 116598 difference in these two men's lives? They both had similar backgrounds and neither was smarter thanrepparttar 116599 other. The only difference was one started a home-based business after high school.

Forbidden Information - The Secrets They Don't Want You To Know

(A.) You will never be financially independent working for someone else. (B.) You will never haverepparttar 116600 life you dreamed of working a 9 to 5. (C.) The American Dream is a myth - if you're working a job. (D.) If you want to be rich - you must berepparttar 116601 boss. (E.) You need to make money while you sleep. (F.) Multiple streams of income (G.) Leverage - getting paid onrepparttar 116602 efforts of others

The home - based business isrepparttar 116603 last way forrepparttar 116604 average man or woman to become rich! I can hear you now thinking you have to have special skills or abilities to run a home - based business, wrong. It is so simple anyone can do it. You just have to haverepparttar 116605 desire and be coachable.

Picture yourself, taking a trip anywhere inrepparttar 116606 world. You stay as long as you want. You come back when you are ready. You are able to buy yourself and your family anything they want, because now you are financially independent. That is what a home- based business can do for you!

Your Perfect Business Checklist

1. No Boss 2. No Experience Required 3. Passive Residual Income (the best kept secret of millionaires) 4.Step-by-step System of Success 5.Lucrative Compensation Plan 6.No Quotas 7. No Employees 8. Low Investment 9. Home - Based Business 10. Experienced Leadership 11.No territory Limitations 12. Little or No Overhead 13. No Inventory 14. Spend More Time With Your Family 15. Company Provided Support and Training 16. The Most up - to - date Wireless and Telecom Products and Services 17. Multiple Ways To Get Paid (another secret of millionaires)

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