Are You Spending Too Much Money on Baby Gear?

Written by Stephanie Gallagher

Did you waste $57 today? I hope not. Unfortunately, so many new parents pay much more than they have to for baby products, because they don’t knowrepparttar secretsrepparttar 110240 insiders know.

Remember, just because you shop at so-called discount stores doesn’t mean you’ll getrepparttar 110241 lowest prices. The same is true for warehouse stores and online auction sites.

Even coupons that seem like great deals aren’t always a bargain. For example, one online retailer recently offered a promotion where you could buy one board game and get one free. Butrepparttar 110242 games cost twice what they cost at a competitor. So it wasn’t really a deal at all.

What’s a bargain-hunting parent to do? It helps if you can find someone who’s done some research for you.

The Shopping Mom torepparttar 110243 Rescue!

In an attempt to do a scientific, apples-to-apples comparison, I recently conducted a price test of six popular baby product web sites. I purchased a basket of common baby products from each site.

All ofrepparttar 110244 sites I chose were well-established businesses, with reliable customer service, and a good selection of products. Many offered extra services, like reader reviews, shopping checklists and helpful tips. The sites were:

1. BabyCenter (

2. Babies R Us (

3. Baby Universe (

4. Baby Catalog (

5. (

6. ( isn't a retailer. It's a comparison shopping service. But I included it because it’s supposed to be able to find yourepparttar 110245 best deals online. I wanted to see if it lived up to its promise.

The Results

Shoes Everywhere!

Written by David Kunstek

People who believe shoes are shoes are mistaken. The comfort and support thatrepparttar shoe offers is important. In fact, wearing improper shoes can cause more then just sore toes. Wearing a shoe that does not support or that isrepparttar 110239 wrong size can cause back pain and even spinal injury. The discomfort inrepparttar 110240 actually foot is minimal compared torepparttar 110241 serious back pain it can lead to. Having a properly fitting shoe does not mean that you have to choose a shoe that ugly. There are many choices for you in department stores, malls, shoe shops, and more. Trying onrepparttar 110242 shoe prior to buying it is important. Making surerepparttar 110243 toes are not too tight but thatrepparttar 110244 back fits properly are important parts. Is there support forrepparttar 110245 arch? If you are going to userepparttar 110246 shoe for specific reasons, you will need a specific shoe? For example, hiking boots are necessary when hiking. Their high tops help to supportrepparttar 110247 ankles onrepparttar 110248 difficult ground. If you work in a restaurant, you may want to choose a shoe that is slip resistant.

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