Are You Ready To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone?

Written by John Colanzi

Are You Ready To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone? by John Colanzi

It's amazing how long it took me to actually start writing and submitting articles for publication.

I knew allrepparttar reasons for writing articles, but still bulked atrepparttar 129833 idea of writing my own articles. Who would want to hear my feeble ramblings?

I kept placing my ads and sending out my newsletter and generally stayed in my comfortable rut. I was onrepparttar 129834 slow boat to China.

Then one day I got sick and had to spend a week inrepparttar 129835 hospital. The doctors told me I couldn't work for at least a year.

I guess I was likerepparttar 129836 stubborn mule onrepparttar 129837 farm. The only way to get his attention is to hit him onrepparttar 129838 side ofrepparttar 129839 head with a two by four.

Well I'd just been hit and it was time for this mule to either pack it in or break down my mental barriers.

I started by writing articles for my newsletter. I still wasn't ready to start submitting them. I guessrepparttar 129840 lick torepparttar 129841 head wasn't hard enough.

Low and behold some of my readers started sending in positive feedback. Wow! That was a rush I hadn't counted on.

I started stepping uprepparttar 129842 pace. Maybe somebody would read my ramblings. Then I started getting requests from readers who wanted to share them. I hadn't counted on this either.


Written by Laraine Anne Barker

SALE, SAIL Sale is either offering something for purchase ("for sale") or offering it at a special price ("on sale"); sail is part of a ship or boat.

SELL, CELL Sell is to exchange for money; cell is a small room.

SCENE, SEEN Scene isrepparttar place where something happens; seen isrepparttar 129831 past participle of see. "Yet he had seen nothing suspicious atrepparttar 129832 scene ofrepparttar 129833 accident." (Of course you wouldn't write a sentence like that;repparttar 129834 two words make for a clumsy combination. I would probably replace "scene" with "site".)

SITE, SIGHT, CITE Site always refers to location or place: building site; archaeology site. "We will siterepparttar 129835 house to take advantage ofrepparttar 129836 panoramic views." Sight always refers to vision, as inrepparttar 129837 cliche "a sight for sore eyes". "We sighted two horsemen coming overrepparttar 129838 hill." "It was a sight I would never forget." "She feared she might lose her sight." Cite means to summon, or to refer to a source, as inrepparttar 129839 following sentences: "I was cited as a witness torepparttar 129840 accident." "He cited in his defence an incident in which these same people were involved."

SOME TIME, SOMETIME This is a common confusion. Some time is a period of time and sometime means at some time not specified. "Some time ago you promised to introduce me to your brother." "Sometime when you're not busy we must do this again."

STATIONARY, STATIONERY Stationary means standing still. Stationery refers to writing paper.

STATUE, STATUTE, STATURE Statue is a carved or moulded likeness; statute is law; stature means height or status.

STRAIGHT, STRAIT Straight means without bends; strait is a passage of water.

TENANT, TENET Tenant is one who rents a property; tenet is a principle or belief.

THERE, THEIR, THEY'RE There is a location: "Put it over there." Their isrepparttar 129841 possessive of they: "their coats" They're is short for they are: "They're unlikely to miss seeing them." So: "They hung their coats over there byrepparttar 129842 door where they're unlikely to miss seeing them on their way out." Dreadful sentence I know, but at least it demonstratesrepparttar 129843 correct usage for all three words.

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