Are You Master of Your Own Domain?

Written by Kate Smalley

This is an important topic for anyone who currently has a website and domain name, as well as for anyone interested in building an internet identity. I am sharing not only from personal experience (I have five active websites online at this time) but from my business, Connecticut Secretary, andrepparttar projects I have been involved with in creating and building websites for my customers.

Oftentimes customers will approach me after they have already chosen a domain name. What I investigate first is who actually owns that domain name. I no longer askrepparttar 134388 customer directly, because 99.9% ofrepparttar 134389 timerepparttar 134390 response is always "I do!" when in fact many of them unwittingly do not. Determining this is an easy step; you simply go to an independent domain registrar such as,, and type inrepparttar 134391 domain name and choose whois whenrepparttar 134392 results pop up. Feel free to go and type in and choose whois. You will see that I, Kate Smalley, am listed asrepparttar 134393 owner and administrative contact for Connecticut Secretary. The technical contact is simplyrepparttar 134394 hosting service I have chosen.

The problem we run into is when individuals have chosen to purchase their domain name through a hosting service at a discounted rate. The hosting service isrepparttar 134395 company that purchases and owns your domain name, and in essence you sometimes just end up renting it along with your hosting service. This is a great way forrepparttar 134396 hosting company to ensure continued business. Think about if, inrepparttar 134397 future, you decide to change hosting services. Who do you think you will have to contact to have your domain redirected to another hosting provider? How anxious do you think they will be to provide service to you? How quickly do you feel they will redirect your url? What will happen if they forget to renew your domain name and someone else obtains control and ownership of it? What happens if that hosting company goes out of business? I have seen it happen. To take this conversation one step further, there are now hosting companies that will purchaserepparttar 134398 domain in your name, so you arerepparttar 134399 official owner, but they still retain control over your usage ofrepparttar 134400 account. An important point to remember is that ownership of an account as well as havingrepparttar 134401 ability to userepparttar 134402 account are important features when deciding how to purchase your domain name. " essence you sometimes just end up renting... "

I am not saying this is a fact with all hosting companies; I only ask you to consider it for your own well-being and future viability onrepparttar 134403 internet. Purchasing a domain name yourself is only a matter of spending a few extra dollars per year, and is well worthrepparttar 134404 security of knowing you arerepparttar 134405 owner andrepparttar 134406 one in control of your domain. Considerrepparttar 134407 amount of work that you have put in to targeting and obtaining traffic throughrepparttar 134408 search engines on your keywords and search terms. Think about allrepparttar 134409 business you will loose if you have to start over again with a new domain name from scratch.

Free Web -Site hosting without the banner ads?

Written by Matt Byron

Free Web site Hosting withoutrepparttar Banner Ads? Looking for free web hosting with no annoying pop-ups, pop-unders, buttons, banners, headers or footers? And as well as this, you'd like 99.8 percent up-time, fast servers, access torepparttar 134387 cgi-bin for scripts, FP extensions, PHP and MySQL databases and FTP access?

We went out searching forrepparttar 134388 best "no ads" totally free site hosting space deals around. The results: disappointing, they are very few and far between. Many have come and gone, or as inrepparttar 134389 case of Bizland, quite suddenly withdrawn their free service and demanded that all their customers begin paying. We took a look atrepparttar 134390 promotional information for over 300 free web hosting companies, but then also looked at customer reviews. There was usually a major difference in opinions.

There is still a plethora of free web hosts around, but most require that you carry their advertising or offer you a limited time forrepparttar 134391 free service, usually a year. Onrepparttar 134392 up side of this, many of these companies do supply quality hosting with many services in exchange for having their banners served up on your pages. We did find that many ofrepparttar 134393 non-banner supported free options were hosted on very slow servers. In a number of cases,repparttar 134394 server failed to respond at all! How do non-banner free hosting companies make their money? These companies try to survive by enticingrepparttar 134395 freebie customers to take out their paid hosting space options, which is fair enough. Quite often, their paid hosting options are quite cheap. You'll find that if you utilize this kind of free site hosting,repparttar 134396 services available are rather limited and you'll need to pay for things like Front Page extensions and access torepparttar 134397 cgi-bin for scripts. The other way that they survive is through regular newsletters containing offers from companies that pay them forrepparttar 134398 ad space.

Strategies in using non-banner supported free hosting options One ofrepparttar 134399 common patterns for these companies is that when they first set up shop, customer support is fantastic, server response times are great, shared scripts function well and file transfer interfaces are reliable. But as time goes on, "gold fever" hits, and people begin flocking to these companies with inevitable results - things start slowing down and falling over.

If you do find yourself inrepparttar 134400 position of needing to use free space due to financial restrictions; here's a couple of things you can do: Buy a domain name first Register a domain name first - Many domain name registrars give you a stack of free services with each name registered. Costs for domain name registrations can be as little as US$10-$12 per year. One ofrepparttar 134401 services that you want to look for is a domain name control panel and free http/URL forwarding or framing. This allows you to redirectrepparttar 134402 name as you wish, changing its destination every day if you want to! If your free web-hosting provider goes belly up or isn't functioning correctly, you can move your site to another provider and redirectrepparttar 134403 domain name to point towards it.

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