Are You Hearing Everything Your Customer, Peer, Boss, Supplier Isn't Saying?

Written by Linda Talley

Only 7% of what we say is verbal! The other 93% is nonverbal! How do you think Dr. Phil got his start? Readingrepparttar nonverbal communication of prospective jurors as a jury consultant. And that's why he's not afraid to call someone on a lie on his program! He's reading their body language--their nonverbal communication! And Dr. Phil knows he's right because your body language says so much more than you ever will!

Verbal, written or even sign language talks to "content." You're just listening torepparttar 103161 words and that's it! Nothing else entersrepparttar 103162 picture. This is probably one ofrepparttar 103163 biggest issues with married people. The wife might say, "You never listen to me." The husband says, "Of course I do!" and continues readingrepparttar 103164 paper. The wife probably wants to see body language from her husband that says, "I am here for you; you are very important to me; I will always takerepparttar 103165 time to be here for you." If he's readingrepparttar 103166 paper, he's not communicating this to her in a way she can see and understand.

If you're in sales or have any projects where you have to "sell" someone on something, do you know what your body language is saying torepparttar 103167 other person? Try selling something to someone without saying a word! You might say it's impossible but it's not. You probably do more selling with nonverbal communication than you do with verbal. Remember that song about "you say so much when you say nothing at all." Well, that singer/writer was right!

Think of a time when you were feeling upset, frustrated, angry and someone came up to you and asked if you were doing OK. You probably said YES but your body language said NO! Which communication do you think they're going to believe? Scientists have proven that whenever there is a conflict between verbal and nonverbal communication, we tend to put a question mark byrepparttar 103168 verbal communication and believerepparttar 103169 nonverbal communication. You probably don't even think about doing that but that's exactly what you're doing!

Body language has gone underground. In other words, we don't even think about it. We just do it. It has become subconscious behavior to us and when someone points our body language out to us, we seem surprised. When I work with people on body language and point outrepparttar 103170 different "language" that they are using, they might try to justify their actions if they were sending out defensive signals or congratulate themselves if they were using positive signals. The trick is to know what your body language says about you and what another person's body language says about them. It'srepparttar 103171 same behavior or actions we tend to react or resist in other people and not even notice in ourselves.

Using The Popularity of Celebrities and Currrent Events to Promote Your Business

Written by Rony Perry

In this article, we want to explorerepparttar idea of usingrepparttar 103160 popularity of celebrities and current event (news) topics to help market any internet business.

The Idea

Celebrities and news events are not only popular topics, they are also popular "keywords" inrepparttar 103161 major search engines. Thousands upon thousands of users everyday searchrepparttar 103162 engines to findrepparttar 103163 latest info. The idea is to build mini sites that target this market.

We call these "pop surfer" sites.

It sounds a bit far fetched at first, but with a little strategy, these "pop surfers" can help sell our products - NO MATTER WHAT WE SELL, or at least generate a decent amount of qualified traffic.

To get an idea ofrepparttar 103164 type of traffic, have a look at these sites:

Lycos top 50


Google Zeitgeist

Look atrepparttar 103165 terms in these lists. I'm sure you recognize most of them, as they are an indication of what and who is "happening" right now. Also, keep in mind these sites (Yahoo, Google, Lycos, etc.) are amongrepparttar 103166 most visited sites onrepparttar 103167 net.

The "Pop Surfer" Mini Site

The first step is to develop a "pop surfer" mini site (or sites -repparttar 103168 morerepparttar 103169 better). It doesn't have to berepparttar 103170 greatest or prettiest site ever created. Don't put as much work into it as you would your primary site. The key to these sites is to getrepparttar 103171 popular names and terms onrepparttar 103172 page sorepparttar 103173 search engines can find and spider them.

When developing your "pop surfer" page, keep in mind that you want a page that will 1) get intorepparttar 103174 search engines, and 2) grabrepparttar 103175 pop surfers' attention while they are searching for their favorite artist, news story, etc. Here are two such sites we put together.

Site 1 Site 2

The Strategy

After we have our "pop surfer" mini site(s) built and listed inrepparttar 103176 engines, how do we use it get customers to our businesses?

There are two models that we will callrepparttar 103177 Indirect model andrepparttar 103178 Direct model. Each approach has it's own advantages and uses. In one model we "indirectly" targetrepparttar 103179 "pop surfers", and inrepparttar 103180 other model we "directly" target them.

The Indirect Model

This model gives usrepparttar 103181 most qualified visitors. In this model, we utilizerepparttar 103182 power of traffic "exchanges". After we start getting our share of "pop surfer" traffic, we userepparttar 103183 exposure ratio from these "exchanges" to drive qualified, targeted visitors to our primary business site.

This works because exchanges allow us to target our visitors. When signing up for an exchange you are usually asked what category you want exposure in. They often give you a list with such categories as Health and fitness or Business Opportunities. This gives us control over where we want our primary sites' information viewed.

Some exchanges have a 1:1 ratio where one exposure on your page is worth one exposure on someone else's page. Others use different ratios such as 2:1 which gives two exposures on your page for one exposure on someone else's.

There are several types of exchanges. The more popular ones are:

Banner Exchanges, which gives banner exposures in exchange for placing other banners on our site. Bannersgomlm, Vesper Exchange, and Link Exchange are three popular banner exchanges, and they give very decent results.

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