Are You Getting Enough Sleep

Written by Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed.

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Are You Getting Enough Sleep? By Cynthia Perkins

Just like eating healthy and exercise, adequate sleep is an essential component for a health conscious life style. We are a sleep-deprived society and this is wrecking havoc on individual’s mental and physical health. Lack of sleep can be as dangerous to your health as smoking. Studies have shown that people who slept 7 to 8 hours a night lived significantly longer than those who didn’t.

Lack of sleep affects all areas of your life including: ~Emotional- you may be more frustrated, irritable, cranky and moody ~Social-you may be difficult to get along with, lack of desire to socialize ~Cognitive-impaired ability to learn, poor memory, decreased problem solving abilities ~Physical- productivity is impaired, fatigue, a compromised immune system which leaves you vulnerable to disease, infection, and colds etc. ~Safety-judgment may be impaired, your less aware and alert which can lead to accidents, hand eye coordination is impaired Sleep also restores our physical and mental energy. The body repairs itself while we sleep. It detoxes and heals. Thus, for us individuals living with chronic illness or chronic pain, obtaining adequate sleep is vitally important. We need adequate sleep to help us cope with stress, to relieve pain and fatigue and keep symptoms to a minimum. Lack of sleep in repparttar 115367 chronically ill often increases pain and fatigue and exacerbates whatever symptoms they may experience.

Experts used to recommend seven to eight hours of sleep, but it is now believedrepparttar 115368 average adult needs an average of nine hours sleep. Some need less and some need more. For those living with chronic illness more may be required, or frequent naps will be necessary. Your body will tell you how much sleep you need if you pay attention. Feeling refreshed and well is often not possible for those with chronic illness or pain, but findrepparttar 115369 amount you need to function as optimally as possible for your situation.

Holistic Health For Men: Natural Help For An Enlarged Prostrate

Written by Dr. Rita Louise

The prostate is a walnut sized gland that sits just belowrepparttar bladder in men and is an integral part ofrepparttar 115363 male reproductive system. Made up of two lobes and enclosed by a layer of tissue,repparttar 115364 prostate goes through two main periods of growth. The first occurs early in puberty, whenrepparttar 115365 prostate doubles in size. At aroundrepparttar 115366 age of 25,repparttar 115367 gland begins to grow again. This second growth phase often results in what is identified as an enlarged prostate.

Asrepparttar 115368 prostate gets larger,repparttar 115369 layer of tissue surrounding it stops it from expanding, causingrepparttar 115370 gland to press againstrepparttar 115371 urethra. Whilerepparttar 115372 data varies, it is believed that most men overrepparttar 115373 age of 45 experience some amount of prostate enlargement, but may live symptom free. This enlargement is usually harmless, but it often results in problems urinating later on in life. By 60, it is believed that 80% of all men experience some sort of urinary interference due to prostate enlargement.

Enlargement ofrepparttar 115374 prostate is not a malignant condition, but it does put pressure onrepparttar 115375 urethra and can create a number of urinary complaints such as frequent urination, urinary urgency,repparttar 115376 need to get up at night to urinate, difficulty starting, a reduction torepparttar 115377 force ofrepparttar 115378 urine stream, terminal dribbling, incomplete emptying ofrepparttar 115379 bladder and evenrepparttar 115380 inability to urinate at all. If left unchecked, benign prostatic hypertrophy can cause serious problems over time including urinary tract infections, bladder or kidney damage, bladder stones or incontinence.

It is important to take care of your prostate and address any prostate, be it an enlarged prostate, prostetitis (inflammation ofrepparttar 115381 prostate) or prostate cancer early on. Take an active role and protect yourself by having your prostate checked regularly. Traditional treatments for prostate issues includerepparttar 115382 surgical removal of all or part ofrepparttar 115383 prostate. While most people experience a relief of symptoms, it may leave them impotent. Forrepparttar 115384 health conscious, this should only be used as a last resort.

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