Are You An Internet Marketing Failure?

Written by Tom Busch

It is not at all uncommon for people to dive into internet marketing with an abundance of expectation, and end up with very little inrepparttar way of results.

The very nature of ecommerce allows people who have no money, inadequate knowledge, and very little if any business experience to stake their claim. Is it any wonder that most of these people never even see postive cash flow?

If I were one of these people (and I have been), I wouldn't let these "handicaps" hold me back (and I didn't).

So if you haven't exactly foundrepparttar 121682 sweet spot yet, I urge you not to look upon yourself as a failure. In fact, if you haven't given up yet, you are a lot more successful than most.

You see, we've been led to believe, by people trying to sell us courses, ebooks, memberships, etc., that it's easy, that we don't need any money, special knowledge, or experience in order to quickly realize not only profits, but BIG profits. And in a way these people are actually right. But it's because of what their sales pitch doesn't tell us, that we still end up broke, frustrated, and confused.

So what do we need to know that we are not being told?

1)It takes work.

Consistent and disciplined effort is what gets results. Don't do something one time and expect riches to come knocking at your door.

2)Free isn't really free.

Back to the Future

Written by Ron Jackson

For decadesrepparttar likes of Money magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Investors Business Daily and many smaller print financial publications have ethically and quickly earned hundreds of millions of dollars by fully leveraging their assets.

But most web sites do not leverage all of their assets. I know, I've been a web publisher forrepparttar 121681 past three years and a "print" newsletter publisher for nearly a total of 20 years.

I'd like to share this money making idea with you by telling you about three men I've worked with and how they built wildly profitable print publishing empires by using a simple but highly effective marketing concept...

Inrepparttar 121682 1960s Bill Bonner, Howard Ruff and Brian Smith built their print financial newsletter companies solely onrepparttar 121683 marketing power of direct mail. Those men are largely unknown by Internet publishers.

By using direct mail those publishers literally generated billions of dollars in both paid financial newsletter subscriptions and in list rental income.

Now in 2000repparttar 121684 Internet has eclipsed print newsletters but not one web based financial publication is as remotely profitable as those of Bonner, Ruff and Smith. Why?

Because Internet marketing has not yet developedrepparttar 121685 most basic direct marketing tool that connects directly customers with financial services providers.

That tool for Bonner, Ruff and Smith wasrepparttar 121686 direct mail list, now it's direct e-mail lists.

A well constructed file of e-mail names can help you instantly leverage your assets and income inrepparttar 121687 same way print publishers like Money magazine, Time, Newsweek and The Wall Street Journal rent their subscriber lists.

By merging your e-mail names and addresses into a vertical database you can receive list rental income every time your names are rented to other providers of similar services.

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