Are You A Work Addict?

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Work addiction is very common in our society today, yet it is not one that is not highly recognised.

An interesting article inrepparttar March edition of The Success Report published by Success Technologies stated:

"Of allrepparttar 105467 addictions receiving attention today (including alcohol, drugs, gambling and food) work addiction is perhapsrepparttar 105468 least recognised and possiblyrepparttar 105469 most dangerous.

This is because a work addiction is a compulsion that is rewarded and reinforced by society. In particular, it's rewarded by corporations that encourage overwork asrepparttar 105470 norm. The lure of work is increasing as innovative, flexible companies use and reward fewer people to get more accomplished.

Yet work addiction should not be confused with hard work; So how can you tell if you're just working hard or have crossedrepparttar 105471 line into work addiction?

When work begins to hurt, you're addicted, say specialists. But how can you spotrepparttar 105472 work addict among your colleagues? According to Workaholics Anonymous, these characteristics are common to compulsive over-workers:

The Characteristics of Work Addicts

They are usually in a hurry They have a strong need to control They expect perfection of themselves and others around them They have difficulty in relationships They forget birthdays and anniversaries They are unable to relax and have fun They are impatient and irritable They suffer from physical problems usually brought on because of stress, poor eating habits and lack of exercise such as headaches, fatigue, indigestion, allergies, stomach upset, ulcers, chest pain, shortness of breath, nervous tics and dizziness Addicted workers often try to do several things at once. They eat breakfast while balancing figures, return phone calls while typing onrepparttar 105473 computer, or readrepparttar 105474 business and trade papers while going over meeting notes. Work addicts also feel indispensable and are consequently unable to delegate.

Work From Home and Get More Done!

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Working from home can be a most effective way to be more productive!

Today's open plan offices stop many people from getting their work done. The constant noise, phones ringing and colleagues interrupting can drive anyone to distraction!

Many people would dramatically boost their productivity if they could spend some or all of their working week out ofrepparttar main office and joinrepparttar 105466 thousands of small business owners who work from home.

However there are a few rules you need to follow to do this successfully:

Establish a Routine Decide on a starting and finishing time. Include breaks.

Plan Your Day Prepare a 'to do list' each day and action it.

Clean outrepparttar 105467 Clutter Keep your work area clean and tidy. You'll work far more effectively and reducerepparttar 105468 stress levels.

Organise Your Work Area Haverepparttar 105469 right tools and systems to work with - an appropriate chair, desk, computer, filing system.

Group Tasks Together Divide your day into similar activities. Make all phone calls inrepparttar 105470 morning and work on important tasks. Do errands later inrepparttar 105471 afternoon afterrepparttar 105472 lunch-time rush or when you go to pick uprepparttar 105473 kids.

Learn How to Say NO! Inform your family and friends of your working hours and that because you're working from home doesn't mean you're 'available'.

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