Are You A Victim Of FABS? Part 2

Written by Sibyl McLendon

When you have a case of FABS, it may be hard to eradicate, but it is far from impossible. Fear, Anger, Blame and Shame may be different emotions, but they can all be gotten rid of inrepparttar same ways:

First and foremost, it is very important to learn to LIVE IN THE MOMENT! The past is over and done with, and can never be changed, no matter how much we wish that it could. I remember watching a TV show called Biography, where they were doingrepparttar 123796 life story of a famous TV star. He maderepparttar 123797 comment that he had spent his life always looking behind him, never at where he was or where he was going. He likened it to driving a car but only looking inrepparttar 123798 rear view mirror. If this is what you are doing, it is time to turn your head around and facerepparttar 123799 sun. This crystalline moment in time isrepparttar 123800 only reality that exists, and it is terrible to waste it looking torepparttar 123801 past. Do whatever you have to do to releaserepparttar 123802 past and its hold on you.

Second, you must learn that THE ONLY PERSON THAT YOU CAN CHANGE IS YOURSELF! You can spend your entire lifetime wishing that a person would change, wishing that they would treat you better or be loving and supportive, but it ain’t gonna happen just because you want it to. If you were abused as a child, then you may be spending your life trying to ignore it, shoving it down into some dark recess of your psyche. I guarantee you, however, that it is coming out, every minute of every day in ways that you cannot see. Deal with it! Get help, you are going to need it. But you are absolutely, positively going to have to give up hoping that someone will change, or trying to change them. Working on yourself isrepparttar 123803 only answer

The Overlooked Tip To Success

Written by Donald Schnell

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The Overlooked Tip To Success

By Donald Schnell

© September 21, 2002

I wouldn't tell just anybodyrepparttar 123795 following tip. They might think it too 'out there' or too woo-woo. But I trust that you have an open mind. You are studyingrepparttar 123796 principles that lead to having more peace, happiness, and health in your life-enlightenment. And I'm trusting you are ready for more success inrepparttar 123797 easiest possible way. I've discovered that really living life and choosing happiness is not a destination to reach, but a journey to be relished.

The journey certainly includesrepparttar 123798 achievement of your goals. For me,repparttar 123799 first step in achieving any goal is to visualize and feelrepparttar 123800 goal already accomplished.

I'll say that again.

The first step in achieving any goal is to visualize and feelrepparttar 123801 goal is already accomplished.

You know about visualization. You might even practice it or try it from time to time. But I find that merely visualizing your goals being accomplished is not enough.

Let me explain.

I took 4 years of post doctoral work in medical hypnosis. I read countless study after study of howrepparttar 123802 mere addition of just one concept to visualization made success more likely to manifest.

Inrepparttar 123803 1920'srepparttar 123804 University of Chicago performed an experiment with three groups. The first group had to show up for an hour every day and practice making baskets withrepparttar 123805 basketball. Each group was measured for their skill level atrepparttar 123806 beginning ofrepparttar 123807 study and atrepparttar 123808 end of 30 days. The second group was told to show up atrepparttar 123809 laboratory and to sit down for an hour and continuously rehearse making baskets in their mind. The third group was told not to practice, but to show up in 30 days.

Predictablyrepparttar 123810 group that actually practiced each day did much better. However, what astonishedrepparttar 123811 researchers wasrepparttar 123812 fact thatrepparttar 123813 second group, those who practiced seeing it and feeling it in their minds were not far behindrepparttar 123814 first group. Both groups improved.

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