Are Vitamin Supplements Really Necessary?

Written by Renee Kennedy

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Are Vitamin Supplements Really Necessary? by Renee Kennedy

It is a fact that vitamins are important to a healthy diet. Without certain vitamins, your body could be at risk for disease. There are some studies on how specific vitamins can help specific illnesses. Some of those studies are mentioned below and references are listed atrepparttar 115447 end of repparttar 115448 article.

However, most ofrepparttar 115449 medical community seems to agree that getting your vitamins from whole foods is much better than taking supplements.

There are exceptions to this. For example, if you're pregnant, a folic acid supplement may be prescribed by your doctor. Another example is taking doctor recommended vitamin supplements for a specific illness.

Do not take vitamin supplements without consulting your health care provider, especially if you are on any medications or you have any illness or special health conditions (like pregnancy, anemia, heart condition, etc.).

Here arerepparttar 115450 most important vitamins:

Vitamin A --Affects: skin, tissue growth and regeneration, eyes, white blood cells, bone and teeth growth and mucus membranes in mouth, nose, throat, lungs. --Daily Recommended Dosage: 5,000 IU for men and 4,000 IU for women --Whole Foods: whole milk, fat-free milk fortified with vitamin A, whole eggs, liver, beef, chicken, dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, broccoli, cantaloupe, mangos, apricots, tomato juice. --Deficiency Symptoms: teeth and gum problems, fatigue, loss of appetite, dry, scaly skin, increase susceptibility to infection, night blindness. (Vitamin A deficiency would be rare inrepparttar 115451 United States, it occurs mainly in developing countries where people are malnourished.) --Warnings: High doses of Vitamin A from supplements can cause birth defects, liver problems and reduction in bone density. --Research: A recent study found that beta carotene along with other antioxidants and zinc may slow down macular degeneration. Your doctor will prescriberepparttar 115452 proper vitamins if you have macular degeneration.

Vitamin B6 --Affects: brain and metabolism --Daily Recommended Dosage: 1.3 to 1.7 milligrams --Whole Foods: Poultry, fish, pork, eggs, soybeans, oats, whole-grain foods, nuts, seeds and bananas. --Deficiency Symptoms: skin problems, anemia in adults, convulsions in infants --Warnings: High doses of B6 may cause nerve damage.

Vitamin B9: Folic Acid --Affects: developing fetus, red blood cell formation, protein metabolism, growth and cell division --Daily Recommended Dosage: 400 micrograms --Whole Foods: Citrus juices and fruits, beans, nuts, seeds, liver, dark green leafy vegetables (spinach, beet greens) and fortified grain products (rice, bread, cereal, pasta). --Warnings: High doses over 1500 mcg/day should be avoided as it can cause a variety of symptoms like nausea and loss of appetite. --Research: A Folic acid supplement can reducerepparttar 115453 risk of neural tube defects inrepparttar 115454 developing fetus when taken byrepparttar 115455 mother before and during pregnancy.

Quality Of The Air We Breathe At Home Or In The Workplace

Written by Peter McGarry

How would you raterepparttar quality of air in your workplace? More importantly what factors are you considering when rating it?

Your home or work environment may be causing you additional health risks without you realizing it. On average, Canadians spend about 80-90 percent of their time indoors, thusrepparttar 115444 quality of indoor air is very important. Ask yourself a few questions:

Does fresh, outside air flow intorepparttar 115445 room or office you are usually in? Isrepparttar 115446 room humid? Are there any gas-fired appliances? Is your furniture composed of particle board or wood laminents?

These questions need to be addressed when determiningrepparttar 115447 quality of air in our home or workplace. Here arerepparttar 115448 reasons why.

Does fresh, outside air flow intorepparttar 115449 room or office you are usually in? Better insulation can save on heating costs, but it limitsrepparttar 115450 amount of fresh air that enters and leaves your house or office.As a lot of water vapour is produced from normal human activities, fresh air is necessary to get rid of this extra humidity.

Isrepparttar 115451 room humid? Humid or damp conditions in your home can encouragerepparttar 115452 growth of mould and dust mites. Mould can develop from too much humidity, building leaks, refrigerator drip pans, bathroom surfaces and flooding. Mouldy smells from carpet, wood and gypsum board are a sign that they harbour fungi. Stale water in humidifiers and air conditioners can lead torepparttar 115453 growth of bacteria and fungi.

Are there any gas-fired appliances? Typically, oven and pilot light emissions are not vented and can contribute significantly to indoor levels of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and formaldehyde. Of emerging interest as a potential source of indoor air pollution isrepparttar 115454 wood burning stove. Since combustion is much less complete with wood than with oil and gas furnaces, pollution emissions can be greater. Though by-products should be vented torepparttar 115455 outside, leaks and improper operation of these appliances can cause emissions torepparttar 115456 indoors. Kerosine heaters are becoming increasingly popular for space heating. Since these systems are often unvented,repparttar 115457 potential for high level contamination exists.

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