Are They Wearing White Hats ?

Written by Larry Johnson

Time was when you could tellrepparttar good guys fromrepparttar 121179 bad just by taking note ofrepparttar 121180 color ofrepparttar 121181 hat that they wore. A white one always meant that they were good and could be trusted to dorepparttar 121182 right, and honorable thing.

Those who were in black hats wererepparttar 121183 bad guys and were to be avoided likerepparttar 121184 plague. They could not be trusted. They were alwaysrepparttar 121185 ones who didrepparttar 121186 bad things.

You can't really tellrepparttar 121187 good guys fromrepparttar 121188 bad online today by just viewing a website or reading an email.

If you do business with them, you are unlikely to know that there is a problem until it is too late.

Fortunately, I have had very few negative experiences online which kind of reinforces my personal philosophy that most people online or off are going to dorepparttar 121189 right thing and can be trusted.

Still, we all need to keep our guard up when surfing aroundrepparttar 121190 internet.

How can you identifyrepparttar 121191 good guys and bad guys these days ? Well here are a few suggestions that may help you avoid some problems.

1) Have you done business with them before ?

2) Do they have a virtual domain name or a freebie ?

3) How long have they been online ?

Virtually Necessary Domain Names

Written by Larry Johnson

Hey, everyone onrepparttar block may know and trust you, but that is not true when it comes to selling and promoting your wares and services online.

You must have a virtual domain name in order to do business online. I know, I know, you can get free sites, free hosts and some will even offer free ISP services. Eventually, you end up with a domain name as long as a six-foot black snake and about as identifiable and trustworthy. (:>))

Getting your own domain name is really easy and very inexpensive if you do some research.

Here are some resources to give you a heads-up when you set out to get that virtual domain name and some reasons for doing so.

You are more likely to be seen as a having these qualities if you have a VDN.

1) Serious marketer--You thought enough in your online business to spring a few bucks forrepparttar 121178 name.

2) Honesty- With your unique name, you are perceived as more identifiable and therefore more trustworthy.

3) Dependability- You have become more dependable because you have invested in your share of cyberspace.

How to get a domain name 1) Selecting a name--Try to avoid something cute. Clever is okay...cute is out.

Avoid names with dashes in them. They are too easily missed and harder to type. Keep it as short and memorable as possible. Try to include a word or phrase about your business central theme. ( E.g.., If you sell flapjacks, hopefully is still available.)

2) Registering your name--There are more than 75 registrars available now. This will not be a problem, however, there is a lot of difference inrepparttar 121179 cost for this service.

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