"Are They Stealing Your Commissions???" by A.T.Rendon © Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved First it was "Smart Tags", and they came onto your web site and using your "Keywords", they stole your visitors.
Now these same FREE software people have managed to legally steal your affiliate commissions!!!
It might be legal but it certainly smacks of theft and of being just plain WRONG!!!
These online services are using their FREE software to include within bundle, a new type of software that will divert your earned commissions into their own pockets.
We will call this type of software - Theft-ware.
With this software, commissions that should go to you when you provide someone like, Amazon, http://www,amazon.com/, a visitor via a link on your web site, software makes it appear as if FREE software provider is referring link rather than you.
This Theft-ware software, which apparently is currently being made and distributed by about 15 companies, is said to be perfectly legal, because they make users agree to this THEFT of commissions within FINE PRINT, which we all never read in accepting use of FREE software online.
Worst of all, and typical of these sleazy businesses, is fact that average user of their FREE software is totally unaware that this Theft-ware software is operating on their computers.
If you have downloaded any FREE software from Kazaa, of infamous "Smart Tags" scandal, Morpheus, WhenU.com, BearShare, SaveNow, LimeShop, BuyerSport, TopMoxie, or LimeWire, just to mention a few of these modern day pirate, then you may be losing money right now! Some affiliate estimate that they have seen a drop of 50 percent or more in their commissions and we are just now learning why.
The deception is simple for these companies.
It all starts when you or I as consumers download FREE software from Internet with belief that it is going to help us swap music, photos or other files, or to find best bargains online.
As you go through process to install FREE software, little window will innocently enough ask you to show support for their FREE software if you will shop through an affiliate program.
What you and I as consumers are not being made aware of specifically is that when you click, "I Agree", our computer is then branded electronically.
From that point on, all future purchases you make online will be made to appear as if made through affiliate link of FREE software distributor even if it was not.
This same FREE software thus cancels a purchase made through YOUR AFFILIATE LINK by making it appear as if it was made via FREE software's affiliate link.