Are They All Healed?

Written by Anthony Keith Whitehead

Are They All Healed When You Pray?

Everyone inrepparttar healing ministry experiences failure when praying with others for healing. "Failure" in this connection is simply not seeingrepparttar 126845 healing happen that you prayed for. "Failure" in prayer is never absolute because God always recognises our genuine efforts.

But we can reducerepparttar 126846 percentage of failures by giving attention torepparttar 126847 possible causes. This article briefly discusses some ofrepparttar 126848 causes and suggests some solutions.

1. Faith The disciples once asked Jesus to increase their faith (Luke 17. 5). His reply may seem somewhat obtuse. He certainly did not respond to them as they expected, telling them what they could do if they had evenrepparttar 126849 tiniest amount of faith.

Is there a lesson for us here? Most certainly! It is, perhaps, twofold. Firstly, we use what faith we have got atrepparttar 126850 time. An obvious implication since Jesus did not do what they asked. Secondly, we need to improverepparttar 126851 quality ofrepparttar 126852 faith we have. Another clear, perhaps even clearer implication of Jesus' response.

How? Not easy to give a short answer. But look atrepparttar 126853 life of someone like Smith Wigglesworth. (Never heard of him? You really do need to get down to your nearest Christian book shop!). Readingrepparttar 126854 biographies about create considerable enthusiasm in oneself - at first. Then you might begin to get frustrated afterrepparttar 126855 first four or five. Why? Because none ofrepparttar 126856 writers (can?) tell you how he came to have such great faith. He certainly did not start with it!

In conversation recently a lady pointed torepparttar 126857 real reason: "I felt disgusted with myself," she said, "because ofrepparttar 126858 great love he had forrepparttar 126859 Lord". That isrepparttar 126860 ultimate key.

2. Time We do not, however, love God in isolation from his people. In his first letter, at 4. 20 John tells us that a person is a liar who says he loves God while hating his brother. Indeed, he says that anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot claim to love God, whom he has never seen.

We need to love those we pray with enough to spend whatever amount of time is necessary to get torepparttar 126861 root of their problem and so pray effectively for them. Failure here is an important cause of nonhealing.Yet Jesus has commanded us that: anyone who loves God must also love his brother.

3. Unfocussed Prayer In fact, this follows fromrepparttar 126862 last point. We need to spend time making an adequate assessment of what is wrong withrepparttar 126863 person only so that we can pray specifically into that situation. This is something my wife and I lay considerable stress on in our book "The Keys To Praying For Healing". Is importance cannot be overlooked.

Take Responsible For Our Condition

Written by Angelique Watkins

Today I Am Claiming My Prosperity

I can not help but to think about Malachi 3:8 - 10. The instructions to Finances were written a long time ago; and I do realize this is a HOT subject to place in print but I believe this with all my Heart, Mind, and Soul.

If Financial Problems are to be overcomed, I ( maybe others) must accept that in relievingrepparttar condition itlies within all of us; to make a change today, not tomorrow.

Every one of us must face reality and take responsibility for our condition. If we choose to deny responsibility and blame others for it,repparttar 126844 prospect of Financial release is only a DREAM.

No, I am not a Certified Financial Planner but I would like to share some very vital lessons that was shared with me; and I myself am learning from them. I was not givenrepparttar 126845 opportunity in High School to take a course in Financial Planning, so I (maybe others) can understand why when I (maybe others) enteredrepparttar 126846 work force without a plan.

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