Are Kettlebells Too Expensive?

Written by Victor Holtreman

It's funny how people react torepparttar price of a kettlebell. Their eyes usually get wide and their mouth opens a bit, as if to say "Are you kidding?"

Their reaction is usually due torepparttar 149103 fact that they just don't realize what a simple kettlebell can do for one's physical fitness, strength building and fat loss. I mean hey, it's just a simple little sphere with a handle, right? Where arerepparttar 149104 gears,repparttar 149105 cables,repparttar 149106 springs and pulleys that are a hallmark of a real piece of fitness equipment?

Here's a secret: You don't need all that complicated (and really expensive!) stuff.

The same folks who balk at paying $90 for a kettlebell would have no problem whatsoever dropping $300 or more on some "total gym" that uses rubber bands to give them a "full body workout" and maybe $100 a month in expensive (and unnecessary) dietary supplements. Don't forget those exercise machines that are advertised on TV during those two-minute long commercials... They're so expensive that they don't even mentionrepparttar 149107 price, justrepparttar 149108 monthly payment! (BTW, I researched some of those Bowflex and Nordictrack gadgets: they cost as much as $1,500 and UP)

Your Simple Plan for Weight Loss

Written by Paul Buckley

Copyright 2005 Ardmore Internet Marketing, Inc.

The math is pretty simple. One pound of fat equals 3500 calories. Want to lose a pound a week? Then you need to consume 3500 calories less per week than you use. That's about 500 calories a day. By cutting out 500 calories a day from your normal daily diet, while keeping your activity levelrepparttar same, you can lose approximately one pound a week.

All right - that doesn't sound like much, especially if you're more than 25 pounds overweight. Study after study has shown, though, that those people who lose weight gradually - at a rate of 1-2 pounds per week -are far more likely to keeprepparttar 149062 weight off and maintain a normal weight for a lifetime.

So how much exactly IS 500 calories? If you're going to reduce your daily intake by 500 calories, it helps to know what you need to cut out, right? Here's how easy it is to lose 500 calories a day:

Use milk instead of cream in your coffee. Savings? 50 calories per cup.

Skiprepparttar 149063 butter on your baked potato. Savings? 100 calories

Drink fruit-flavored water instead of a 16 ounce soda. Savings? 200 calories

Skiprepparttar 149064 Big Mac and have a salad instead. A Big Mac weighs in at a whopping 460 calories. A fresh salad with a light dressing? Less than 100! Savings? 360 calories

Pass byrepparttar 149065 bag of potato chips. An average snack size bag of chips has over 300 calories. Savings? 300 calories

Eat your corn onrepparttar 149066 ear. A 1 cup serving of canned corn has 165 calories. An ear of corn has 85. Savings? 80 calories.

Switch to low-fat cream cheese on your bagel. Savings? 90 calories per ounce.

Love those fries and can't give them up? Swaprepparttar 149067 skinny fries out for thick steak-cut ones. Thin French fries absorb more oil thanrepparttar 149068 thicker, meatier ones. Savings? 50 calories per 4 ounce serving

If you'd rather look at losing weight from an exercise perspective, you can also lose one pound a week by upping your activity level by 500 calories a day. How easy is that to do? Take a look:

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