Aptitude Tests Reveal the Difference Between Your Aptitude & Ability

Written by Roger Clark

Aptitude tests measure your skills, abilities, values, interests and personality in order to help you determine which careers you might be best suited for and eliminate those that you are not.

Aptitude tests are some ofrepparttar most important tools to anyone considering a career change.

Job satisfaction for individuals depends on several different factors. An increasing number of people now do not cite money asrepparttar 107013 most important factor in picking a career. Other factors of importance are if they like their workplace, if they enjoyrepparttar 107014 work they do, and if their work receives acknowledgment and acclaim

Types of Aptitude Tests

Free Tests There are a number of free assessment tests available. Many career tests can be found free of charge onrepparttar 107015 internet. These free assessment tests generally ask a few short questions about what you like to do and spit out a generic response based on your answers.

More comprehensive aptitude tests...

These are designed to measure several areas that are actually entry requirements for numerous career clusters. The areas measured might include mechanical, spatial, verbal, language, word knowledge, mathematical ability and perceptual speed and accuracy.

There is usually a fee charged for a more comprehensive aptitude test.

Other tests are comprised of numerous survey questions which ask you to rate how you feel about performing certain tasks. Your answers reveal your work values. For example, this type of tests analyzes whether you are more private or social; investigative or accepting, etc. This type of career assessment test can assist you in narrowing down your options to career clusters where your interest, ability and aptitude all match.

Employers andrepparttar 107016 Career Aptitude Test

More and more employers are also beginning to utilize aptitude tests in order to screen applicants because they also realize thatrepparttar 107017 best candidate for their opening isrepparttar 107018 person who not only hasrepparttar 107019 required experience but also complementing interests and aptitudes.

Many major companies have realizedrepparttar 107020 importance of assessing candidates.

Do not be surprised if you end up taking one of these tests during your job interview. The tests helprepparttar 107021 employers figure out if candidates will be able to fit intorepparttar 107022 work environment at their company and if their personality traits are in collusion withrepparttar 107023 company’s values and work code.

Directing Voiceovers: Don't Be. Do.

Written by Peter Drew

Directing a voice-over talent you’ve hired to read a spot for, say, dog food is pretty muchrepparttar same as directing a great actor in a scene in a major film production. Well, almostrepparttar 107012 same. Go with me here.

It’s all about action. The end result ofrepparttar 107013 performers’ action in both situations is a reaction fromrepparttar 107014 audience. A successful performance inrepparttar 107015 dog food commercial getsrepparttar 107016 listener to buyrepparttar 107017 product. The well-acted movie getsrepparttar 107018 viewer to buy intorepparttar 107019 world it creates. Independent filmmaker, Steve Pak, writes: “…the goal is to tell a story dramatically rather than didactically, which means characters do things rather than explain things.”

To get listeners to buy your product or service, you need to getrepparttar 107020 voice actor to actually do something withrepparttar 107021 copy, not think about what they’re doing withrepparttar 107022 copy. Mr. Pak observes: “The challenge for directors is to stop talking about results and start talking about process.” In other words, it’s what happens duringrepparttar 107023 journey, not just arriving atrepparttar 107024 destination, that’s most important torepparttar 107025 story.

Mr. Pak’s key to talking about process isrepparttar 107026 use of action verbs, not adjectives. How does this work with a piece of commercial copy? Let’s take our example of dog food. We’ll call our brand “Stinkalicious.” It’s a wet, canned food. Now, Stinkalicious’s unique selling proposition is that it only stinks to dogs! Yes, when you open a can of new, genetically altered Stinkalicious dog food, only your dog can smellrepparttar 107027 disgusting aromas that always appeal best to dogs. It’s these non-aromatic aromas that cause Rover to come a runnin’.

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