April's Opportunity

Written by Mark Susnow

April's Opportunity

Every season has its moods and flavors. Spring is a time of new optimism and in last month's letter, Planting Seeds of Spring, I wrote about planting seeds as a metaphor for possibilities.

April has its unique challenges and opportunities. Withrepparttar usual focus on taxes, we are reminded of our relationship to money. We see our tax returns as scorecards for our financial health. In our society money equals power and security and there's a common belief that money makesrepparttar 130265 world go round. I like to think that its love that makesrepparttar 130266 world go round.

What we do with our time and what we think about defines who we are. Because of financial pressures we have increased demands on our time and less time to do what we really want. With so many people affected by today's economy andrepparttar 130267 struggle to make ends meet, thinking about ideals and values seems like a luxury. But this is precisely what we must do. If we don't reconnect with what gives our life meaning and purpose we will have nothing whenrepparttar 130268 scorecard turns against us.

I do not underestimaterepparttar 130269 importance of money. Money is important, but more important is what we do and sacrifice to get it. Ifrepparttar 130270 pursuit of money and commerce is our main focus, we will lose sight of what our real work is on this planet and loserepparttar 130271 ability to appreciaterepparttar 130272 little things life offers us. Until we shift our focus to consider what we need to sustain us on a soul level, we cannot begin to heal ourselves from this predicament. Only then will we find a way out. "We make choices about how to take care of business, how to make sure we take care of our needs andrepparttar 130273 needs of our children...The question is whether or not we can letrepparttar 130274 song of our soul—our essential nature—guide those choices when fear is singing on our other ear. The question is which tune do we dance to, which piper do we pay." The Dance, Oriah Mountain Dreamer

In our society our bank or commercial institution provides us access to either written or online statements that detail our financial health. I want to introduce you to a different type of bank ....the Bank of Well-being. Negative thinking and stress drainrepparttar 130275 account. A life with no direction and purpose, or unfulfilling relationships also depletesrepparttar 130276 account. You getrepparttar 130277 idea. When you discoverrepparttar 130278 negative influences on your account, you have an opportunity to stabilize it by feeding your soul. As we nourish our souls our accounts grow and become replenished.

Do You Have an Impossible manager?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach

When you have an impossible manager, quit? Sometimes that’s impossible. If you find yourself in this situation, here are eleven things you should consider.

1.Company culture 2.Everything else is excellent 3.Your outlook 4.Are you inrepparttar loop? 5.Age and career potential ofrepparttar 130263 manager 6.Support, life skills 7.Change departments or jobs


This may berepparttar 130264 single most important thing. I’ve visited many offices and each one had its own distinct culture. All companies haverepparttar 130265 same policies and procedures handbook, basically, because it has to do with legal, but it’srepparttar 130266 unwritten rules that dictate.

I can recall some where hostility seemed to berepparttar 130267 policy. You could cutrepparttar 130268 tension with a knife. This will makerepparttar 130269 company ultimately dysfunctional, but that won’t mitigaterepparttar 130270 potential damage to your health if you remain. Don’t think “This place is really sick … but I’ll be fine.” It doesn’t work that way.

If you haven’t worked in a lot of different places, or are new to your career, you may not be aware of how distinct this particular culture is or how ingrained it is. Like attracts like, andrepparttar 130271 people who hire will continue hiring people like themselves, so it will get worse, not better. Therefore there’s little hope you’ll get a better manager when this one leaves. Understand that you aren’t going to be changing it all by yourself. Your choices are to leave, or to get support and build your lifeskills to deal withrepparttar 130272 situation. However, understand it’s going to prevail, and will impact your life negatively. Consider carefully what you’re getting out of it that could possibly make up for that.


I’ve only heard this comment from someone relatively new to a job. You can count onrepparttar 130273 fact that after a certain point of time,repparttar 130274 negatives will outweighrepparttar 130275 positives, but here’srepparttar 130276 way to handle that.

“I love my job,” my client Dominica told me. “It hasrepparttar 130277 sort of challenge and variety I love. I’ve never had such latitude. It’s a place where I can gainrepparttar 130278 skills I need to move torepparttar 130279 next level. I get to speak to civic groups a couple of times every week, and there’s even live TV and radio. Where else could I get this? The only thing wrong is Harry and his nit-picking, micro-managing. He’srepparttar 130280 only thing that holds me back.” She went on to glow aboutrepparttar 130281 working conditions, good equipment, and benefits.

If it’s a position that will move your career path forward and you’re acquiring excellent skills, what should you do? Consider it a temporary position, getrepparttar 130282 skills you need, see point 6, and be looking allrepparttar 130283 time for your next career move. Chances are you will get enough good out ofrepparttar 130284 situation to balancerepparttar 130285 negatives.

Do not get lulled into staying there. A bad manager will ultimately cause more harm than good.


Your attitude, optimism and mindfulness are crucial. You must be clear about what’s going on. You must be able to see whatrepparttar 130286 manager is feeding intorepparttar 130287 equation so you can keep it separate.

It’s possible to last out a bad situation temporarily if you are equipped to deal with it mentally and emotionally. If you’re truly stuck in a bad situation for a while, use your emotional intelligence. (More on this later.) Keep your own thoughts positive. Resist all urges to become cynical and pessimistic. This is not as easy as it sounds, and don’t underestimate it. Considerrepparttar 130288 job temporary and stick to that policy. Rarely have I talked to someone who really “must” stay where they are. It’s only their perception of things.

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