Applying the Word is Power

Written by Daniel N. Brown

In God’s plan for every believer is peace, hope, and a good future (Jeremiah. 29:11). It is His will that we live abundant and prosperous lives butrepparttar enemy will try to destroy every ounce of peace and hope we have by bringing doubt into our minds.

If you are experiencing doubt and discouragement in your life right now, it is becauserepparttar 126517 devil is robbing you ofrepparttar 126518 blessings that God has for you. The devil is a thief and it is his only mission to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came that we may have life and may have it more abundantly (John 10:10).

Did you noticerepparttar 126519 word “may”? Webster’s Dictionary describes “may” as permission, opportunity, perhaps, and possibly.

God has done His part by sending His Son to die onrepparttar 126520 cross, not only to save us from our sins, but also to give us life abundantly. Whether we have life abundantly or not depends on us!

God has given us His Word, which is our roadmap for success (Joshua 1:8). His Word is forever established in heaven, and whatsoever we shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever we shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven (Matthew 16:19). What are you binding and loosing in your life?

Healing and God's Will

Written by Gordon Owen

"Forever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven." That's why we pray "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven..." The world that we walk through --repparttar world we detect with our five senses -- contradicts our faith on a daily and hourly basis. That didn't stop Moses from making it intorepparttar 126516 11th chapter of Hebrews as a hero of faith because he walked by faith and not by sight, moving as though he could seerepparttar 126517 One who is invisible. Nor should sickness keep us from knowing our salvation even thoughrepparttar 126518 Greek word for salvation literally means being restored.

One ofrepparttar 126519 names of God translates as "the One who healeth thee." That name is also spelled out fully asrepparttar 126520 One who heals us and takes away all our diseases. In times of darkness (which would include sickness in ourselves and others) we are instructed in Isiaha not to attempt to light little fires ourselves (in attempting to personally drive backrepparttar 126521 darkness!) but to trust inrepparttar 126522 name ofrepparttar 126523 Lord. In doing so, don't fall forrepparttar 126524 snare of "Gee, I'm still sick. I must not have enough faith" or "I must have some unconfessed sin that limits God's ability to work his will." The issue is notrepparttar 126525 power of your faith butrepparttar 126526 power ofrepparttar 126527 One in whom you trust,repparttar 126528 One who had only to speak to createrepparttar 126529 universe,repparttar 126530 one in whom we live and walk and have our being.

Acknowledging in advance thatrepparttar 126531 ultimate restoration will be when we are transformed, made whole in an instant, our prayers for one who is ill should ask God to work His perfect will inrepparttar 126532 life of that individual, to make that restoration to wholeness happen here and now if such be His will.

Know with assurance that when God chooses to interpose His will in this world -- that which men call a miracle -- we are being granted only a peek atrepparttar 126533 glory to come. God's will for us has never changed. The first revelation of that will was in Genesis: "Let us make man in our image." Asrepparttar 126534 lamb slain from beforerepparttar 126535 foundation ofrepparttar 126536 cosmos,repparttar 126537 Messiah was born into human flesh so that He might be kinned with us and so that we might see in Himrepparttar 126538 express image ofrepparttar 126539 Father. In Romans 8:28 there's a promise for those who are called according to his purpose. The next verse tellsrepparttar 126540 purpose: that we be "conformed torepparttar 126541 image of his Son...." God has given us apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastor-teachers so that we might mature and through unity ofrepparttar 126542 faith arrive at "the measure ofrepparttar 126543 stature ofrepparttar 126544 fulness of Christ."

With an understanding of that unchanging will, a prayer of "Thy will be done" amounts to whispering "Make me more like Him." Whoever wrote "Thou artrepparttar 126545 Potter. I amrepparttar 126546 clay. Mold me and make me after thy will, while I am waiting yielding and still" was pretty far downrepparttar 126547 road toward becoming a mature saint.

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