“Anything that’s worth doing, is worth doing Poorly”

Written by graham and julie

Yes you got it. You read it correctly. We’re not out of our minds. We really are saying that “anything that’s worth doing is worth doing poorly”. When we found this quote by Joachim DePosada onrepparttar web site: The Gary Halbert Letter, it struck such a huge cord. It made such immediate sense to us. The more we lookedrepparttar 138195 more we realised that our lives were built around this quote. What about yours?

Just take your mind back to when you started to learn to drive. That very first time, you pressed your foot down onrepparttar 138196 throttle. The engine screamed. You lifted your left foot offrepparttar 138197 clutch with such panache, and you hurled forward with such velocity, you would have beaten any kangaroo.

Can you drive now? Then we rest our case:

Anything that’s worth doing, is worth doing poorly.

Do you rememberrepparttar 138198 first time you played tennis? Did you really getrepparttar 138199 serve right first time? Or did you carefully throwrepparttar 138200 ball inrepparttar 138201 air throwrepparttar 138202 racket and miss!!! What about now? Was it worth doing it poorlyrepparttar 138203 first time around?

What happenedrepparttar 138204 first time you strode up with your bucket of balls onrepparttar 138205 driving range? You putrepparttar 138206 ball down and swung perfectly and hit it for what 500 yards?????? Or, did you: 1.miss it completely, 2.follow through and fall over 3.take out a good portion ofrepparttar 138207 matting or grass withrepparttar 138208 shot 4.hit it with such force it managed a few yards and stopped.

What is all this about?

Reminding yourself that;

Whenever you do something you haven’t done before. Whenever, you make effort to break an old habit. Whenever you are going to do something that is worth doing.

Bill Paying Adding To Your Prosperity Feeling

Written by Judi Singleton

When I used to sit down to pay my bills I used to have a feeling of being overwhelmed. I dreaded paying bills each month. I always felt like there never was enough and according torepparttar law of attraction guess what there never was enough. But that has all changed for me. I did a lot praying around this issue and this time ofrepparttar 138123 month andrepparttar 138124 prayers were answered. Now first of all I set up most of my bills to be paid online so it is a very quick process. It used to take me all day to pay my bills now I am likerepparttar 138125 lady onrepparttar 138126 TV ads I just go click, click and they are paid. This opens up a lot of time for me. It also frees me from hours of crying over not having enough money to pay my bills. I also made a budget now that is not a negative thing. A budget can just be a framework to see where you are so you can see where you want to go. I bought a program that showed me how to pay off all my bills in five to seven years including my house that excites me and gives me a goal. I also got some counseling along with this program I bought and my counselor said, "Why do you want to be debt free." Now I had not thought that one out and atrepparttar 138127 time I could only say to him that I wantedrepparttar 138128 freedom of not owing anyone. But he got me thinking, what was I going to do with this freedom. Well, for one thing I want to be able to live anywhere I want to withoutrepparttar 138129 strings of having to stay in one place. I want to build an income so I can work from home and not have to be tied to a job. What has all this got to do with bill paying. Well, it gave me a whole new attitude about bill paying. I am excited now because I have a plan. I have a long term goal. So bill paying is a joy not a pain. It is quick, it getting me to my long term goals, and I am excited about my goals and paying my bills. I also found some wonderful spiritual tools to help lightenrepparttar 138130 load of bill paying. I am now grateful that all these people who I owe have trusted me enough to extend me credit and furnish allrepparttar 138131 wonderful things that I have including my home in advance to my paying them for it. I write on each bill as it comes in this bill is now paid in full in God's own wonderful way. I just write it onrepparttar 138132 outside ofrepparttar 138133 envelope. Expectation is everything when I expectrepparttar 138134 bills to be paid they are paid. It is so grand. When I write my checks I seerepparttar 138135 money flowing out from my account and coming back to me ten fold. Energy is meant to flow. I believe as I give so I will receive and I am paying my bills andrepparttar 138136 money is flowing back to me ten fold. There is always enough money to not only pay my bills but to spare and to share.

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