Anxiety & Panic – How to Help a Sufferer of Anxiety & Panic Disorder

Written by Joanne King

I have written this article forrepparttar family and friends of Anxiety and Panic sufferers, not for “the anxiety sufferer” as I know some sufferers will not seek help for themselves and other sufferers are convinced that what they are experiencing is Anxiety and Panic Attacks.

As I can imagine it is painful to watch someone you love and care for deeply go through what may appear as quite self destructing. Of course it affects you and takes its toll on you especially if you are living with a sufferer.

I saw what it was doing to my husband (who nearly lost his job due to me constantly calling him telling him I needed to go torepparttar 139636 hospital or I needed him to be with me). I saw my family’s heart just sink as they watched me lose my job due to my anxiety and panic disorder.

I wouldn’t go visit them (they lived out of town and I was too frightened to travel). I couldn’t look them inrepparttar 139637 eye because I always felt I was gasping for air and I knew very well I wasn’t a pretty sight forrepparttar 139638 eyes. And of course I really did hate hearing “you’re over re-acting”.

If you are reading this then you are clearly looking for some answers for your loved one and I truly commend you for caring so deeply for their well-being. What you are doing will not be forgotten and one day they will be strong enough to thank you for your support. I also believe in karma, what goes around comes around; no good deed goes without reward.

Here is how you can play a part in helping your loved one to become well.

1.Never tellrepparttar 139639 sufferer they’re over re-acting. I can assure you what they are feeling is pretty dam frightening andrepparttar 139640 sensations are real. By informingrepparttar 139641 sufferer they are over re-acting will only agitate and upset them and may even makerepparttar 139642 panic attack worse.

Getting your target

Written by Dr. Jamie Fettig

What is health? Everyone wants this thing called health, and yet most people have never thought about what their “target of health” actually looks like. If you and your family were healthy, what would it be like? It is like this: Imagine you are shooting a bow and arrow at a definite target and you have no idea whatrepparttar target is. What do you thinkrepparttar 139631 chances are that you will hitrepparttar 139632 target? Not very good. Knowing whatrepparttar 139633 target is dramatically increasesrepparttar 139634 chances of you hittingrepparttar 139635 target. Everyone usually has some definition of health but that is kind of like sayingrepparttar 139636 target is round. A definition doesn’t help much. What would you feel like, what would your kids do, and what would life look like? Get a clear target of what you being healthy would actually be like. Instead of just shooting for some ambiguous non-defined target, figure out your target. How much energy will you have, what will happen to your symptoms and disease, and how else will you be free? Simply knowing your target dramatically increasesrepparttar 139637 odds of you hitting it. So what is "true" health? Let me begin to show you by pointing out what is not health. When you wake up inrepparttar 139638 morning, do you spring out of bed, full of energy and vitality? Or do you hitrepparttar 139639 snooze bar two, three, or even nine times before you get out of bed? This, my friend, is a symptom. It is something that you think is part of life, part of working hard, part of whatever, and you accept it asrepparttar 139640 way it is, when it is nothing more than a lack of health. Because if you were healthy, you would wake up inrepparttar 139641 morning and get out of bed easily, with abundant energy. Are you in a good mood allrepparttar 139642 time? Happy and fulfilled? Your moods are in direct relationship to your health, and when you are not as healthy as you could be, you are not as happy or happy as often as you could be, because of your lack of health. Happiness is just a certain chemical state in your body. Emotions are literally just different chemical reactions inrepparttar 139643 body. Different chemicals present in different amounts, and this is what produces different moods and emotions. That is whyrepparttar 139644 medical profession gives drugs to try to change peoples’ chemistry when they are depressed. If you can changerepparttar 139645 chemistry correctly,repparttar 139646 moods and emotions of that person will change. If you are not abundantly happy and happy most ofrepparttar 139647 time, that is a symptom.

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