Antioxidants - Your Best Defense Against Disease and Aging

Written by Brad Bahr

Studies supportrepparttar benefits of eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. This is due to their high antioxidant value. Why are antioxidants so important? Because they have a proven track record of fighting free radicals.

Your body is being constantly attacked by very harmful substances known as free radicals or oxygen radicals. Free radicals can destroy your cells, tissues and organs.

Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that are naturally formed inside our bodies byrepparttar 114336 process of oxidation. They are normal by products of everyday functions like digestion and physical activity. Free radicals also come from outside sources, such as smoking, environmental pollution, and synthetic chemicals that are added to our water and food.

We are also all exposed daily to polluted air, ingest oxidized or partially rancid foods, and oxidizing radiations fromrepparttar 114337 sun and various electrical appliances.

Free radicals lack one electron making them chemically unstable. To stabilize themselves, they attack any other substance within reach and steel an electron from it. This process creates a new free radical, which repeatsrepparttar 114338 process, producing a "domino effect." When this reaction is uncontrolled, it can generate millions of free radicals within seconds.

Fortunately our bodies come equipped with a free radical fighting mechanism. It consists of specialized enzymes that have a "spare" electron that they can give away without turning into free radicals. In order to protect us,repparttar 114339 enzymes need help from certain substances known as antioxidants.

Acne - Basic Understanding

Written by Polly Childs

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ACNE - Basic Understanding

Acne isrepparttar 114335 bane of existence for nearly 17 million people who suffer from some form of acne.

Acne is not only embarrassing but also causes psychosocial effects such as: anxiety, depression, inferiority, insecurity, frustration and self-consciousness.

Acne can be inrepparttar 114336 form of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples or cysts. Can be onrepparttar 114337 face, neck, shoulders, upper back or chest.

The different definitions of acne are:

Acne blemish: A flaw inrepparttar 114338 skin

Acne pimple: A small, prominent, inflamed elevation ofrepparttar 114339 skin

Blackhead: A condition ofrepparttar 114340 skin characterized by a black tip.

Whitehead: A condition ofrepparttar 114341 skin characterized by a small, firm, whitish elevation ofrepparttar 114342 skin

Cysts: Whenrepparttar 114343 clogged pore is swollen, infected and forms a bump it’s called a “cyst”

Those most susceptible are teenagers and adolescents but it also affects many adults. Althoughrepparttar 114344 exact cause of acne is still unknown… there are certain triggers that might possibly contribute to it such as bacteria, blocked pores, hormonal changes, excess oil and also genetics may play a large part in it.

One thing you can be sure of…contrary to popular belief, poor hygiene and food such as chocolate does not cause acne.

Severe cases of acne may cause pitted skin and scarring. If you have deep acne scars you may want to go for dermabrasion or dermaplaning to give your skin a smoother appearance. These can be used on small areas ofrepparttar 114345 face.

There are a wide variety of products available for acne treatment anywhere fromrepparttar 114346 mildest lotions torepparttar 114347 severest prescriptive forms of treatment. A study comparing popular acne remedies recently discovered relatively inexpensive lotions are as effective as powerful prescription antibiotics.

You’ll find many pros and cons regarding all forms of treatment but few ofrepparttar 114348 many treatments that have come about overrepparttar 114349 years have given any lasting effect. Some treatments have actually been very unhealthy and dangerous forrepparttar 114350 user.

One treatment - Accutane, may cause severe birth defects and also cause depression which has ledrepparttar 114351 FDA to strengthen its restrictions on its use. These new restrictions require manufacturers of Accutane and its generic versions to keep track ofrepparttar 114352 doctors who prescriberepparttar 114353 drug, and alsorepparttar 114354 pharmacies that sellrepparttar 114355 drug andrepparttar 114356 patients who use it.

Because it is a high-risk drug, Accutane should be reserved for cases of "severe recalcitrant nodular acne," according torepparttar 114357 product's labeling. This type of acne is resistant to standard acne treatment, including oral antibiotics, and is characterized by many nodules or cysts--inflammatory lesions filled with pus and lodged deep withinrepparttar 114358 skin. These lesions can cause pain, permanent scarring, and negative psychological effects.

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