And what do you do?... How to know when you're a writer!

Written by Edward B. Toupin

It'srepparttar funniest thing. When someone asks me what I do for a living, I tell them, "I'm a writer." The standard response is, "No, really, what do you do?" Somehow, I always get lost inrepparttar 129865 conversation because I never expect that type of response. I end up floundering in hopes of someday finding a good response.

--- So, how do you know you're a real writer? ---

It has to be a certain look or smell that identifies you as a writer. Is itrepparttar 129866 turtleneck and mothball odor that give it away, or perhaps itsrepparttar 129867 old blue jeans you wear for a week or two.

Generally, my rule of thumb is if you can sell your ideas and make money writing, you're "a writer!" If you sit and write all day long and never sell anything, then "you write." So, in summary: "you write until you become a writer!"

But, this is very true! To become a writer, you have to write every day. You should think of a dozen or so topics and write about them. This will help you learn your style and develop your skills.

If you write, but are not yet a writer, here's an objective! Write, until you sell something. Once you getrepparttar 129868 money, pay your gas bill. Now, you're a writer! But, don't stop with just one article, keep going!

--- Hey Ed! Say something funny. ---

It just doesn't happen like that. I'm not a funny guy. If I sit down and design something funny, I can be hilarious. But, I can't just say something funny.

Onrepparttar 129869 other hand, ideas are things that just happen. But, developing and writing that idea takes work. The act of writing doesn't "just happen."

When writing about an idea, you have to researchrepparttar 129870 idea to determine if it's feasible. If it looks good, then you have to research it again to become an expert---or at least knowledgeable onrepparttar 129871 topic.

The other point to writing is that, even as a Technical Writer, you have to feelrepparttar 129872 writing. This goes back to one of my previous articles, "Natural Writing." You have to learn your verbal style before you can become comfortable with your written style. Once you understand your own style of communicating, stick with it as it'srepparttar 129873 most comfortable place to start. Let it evolve, but stay with it to ensure thatrepparttar 129874 writing feels good and flows.

--- And, have I read something you've written? ---

I don't even know if they can read much less if they've ever read something I've written. Ifrepparttar 129875 name rings a bell, probably so! The point is that most people won't know about you unless you write!

Become a prolific writer and write forrepparttar 129876 sake of writing. The more you write,repparttar 129877 better you become,repparttar 129878 more you publish, andrepparttar 129879 more people will read your work.

What's So Different About Writing Web Copy?

Written by Joe Robson

To write persuasive web copy, it really is an advantage to know how to successfully write for off-line publications.

Because Copywriting techniques that work off-line, also work equally well on-line! We have to make some changes of course to accommodaterepparttar restrictions imposed byrepparttar 129862 computer screen, andrepparttar 129863 problems that navigation sometimes presents.

Butrepparttar 129864 successful techniques for effective web copy remainrepparttar 129865 same. And these techniques have been around for decades

Good web copy doesn't attractrepparttar 129866 attention it deserves. Copy just isn't cool. Because good persuasive copy doesn't attract attention to itself. It sits there onrepparttar 129867 page delivering its message skillfully and unobtrusively, focusing attention onrepparttar 129868 PRODUCT andrepparttar 129869 READER. And quietly doing its job of selling.

And most ofrepparttar 129870 really successful Internet marketers employ excellent, uncluttered copy on their sites.

That's why they are successful.

It's so easy and cheap to build a Website these days and set up a storefront. And that's great. There's room forrepparttar 129871 small guy to compete alongsiderepparttar 129872 'big guns'. And with no previous business or advertising experience he can build a 100 page super-duper animated site in minutes. But whenrepparttar 129873 sales don't come inrepparttar 129874 answer seems to be to changerepparttar 129875 animated GIFs, Java script, site banners and other gizmos to grabrepparttar 129876 attention.

Meanwhilerepparttar 129877 clever marketers,repparttar 129878 successful ones, rake inrepparttar 129879 sales with strong, professionally crafted selling copy. And it's copy they've takenrepparttar 129880 time to learn for themselves. Or they've employed a good professional copywriter to do it for them. They know it's WORDS that sell, not gizmos. Which words?

----- Words that SELL!

After you have drawn uprepparttar 129881 approximate overall structure of your site, and BEFORE you designrepparttar 129882 fine details, decide WHAT you're going to say and WHO you are going to say it to.

THEN begin writing your copy.

Write it, re-write it and cut outrepparttar 129883 dead wood. Crystallize your message. Hone it, polish it, and examine every single word for relevancy and maximum effect. Keep re-writing it until you're sure it's a winner!

Don't be tempted to 'make do'. If it takes a week and it's still not right - spend another week until it is right. And a third week if need be until you're absolutely convinced you can't improve another single word. Remember - your profits are at stake!

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