And then My Boss said, Take that Fear and Shove it!

Written by Richard Vegas

Hey gang; Ok it's time to create some good habits. You know, like eating a pork barrel full of Ben and Jerry's ice cream at 3 am inrepparttar morning. Nah......that's notrepparttar 117490 kind of habit I'm talking about. The only habit that will create is a quick trip torepparttar 117491 toilet first thing inrepparttar 117492 morning.

To create a personal success system that never fails requires good habits. Without good habits, you will default to bad habits.

I say this allrepparttar 117493 time....When you go after something don't come back till you get it. Let me illustrate. Inrepparttar 117494 sales profession, people are taught never ask a prospect for his time. Take it; they're taught.

Well, if you think about it, then success in anything you're doing can be boiled down to a scientific formula. Failure can also be boiled down to a formula. Applyrepparttar 117495 one, avoidrepparttar 117496 other. Sounds simple, right?

Then why do so darn many people fail when attempting something worthwhile? Why do so many find themselves sucking wind and always ending uprepparttar 117497 tail instead ofrepparttar 117498 head? Michael Jordan said it best. "I have failed over and over again in my life, and THAT is why I succeed.

Then why do so few people achieve what Michael Jordan has? Fear of failure. No body likes to fail. But failure is only temporary as long as we take another stab at what we're doing.

You say though……..yea, but I'mrepparttar 117499 one that's been stabbed. Ok, so what makes you so special? You think Elvis never failed? You think Henry Ford never failed? What causes failure anyway?

Timidity and Fear! Yuk! I knew you were going to say that.

Yea, that's right. Let me illustrate. I knew a guy a few years ago that was hard up for a job. He told me someone suggested he sell insurance. Yuk, he said, why don't I just slit my wrist? But he said, I can't even get a job driving a garbage truck, so, he did take a job selling insurance.

He said I was scared stiff. He had never sold anything in his life. So, his manager told him, "I'll give you five names everyday to call on. Just make sure to see these peoplerepparttar 117500 very same day. He promised and went home to study his sales material.

Everyday for a week, he made several sales, and then, something interesting happened. His sales manager was in a meeting and could not give him his five names to call on.

He told him to go torepparttar 117501 yellow pages and findrepparttar 117502 names of five owners and call on them. He said that's what I've been doing forrepparttar 117503 last week. And his sales manager said these words to him. "Success is a matter of mental attitude." YOUR attitude. And, your entire career will depend on your attitude.

He said I went out there withrepparttar 117504 same attitude withrepparttar 117505 names I selected as I had withrepparttar 117506 names that my sales manager had picked for me.

Then he said I learned an important lesson about timidity and fear. First of all I recognized fear is nature's way of keeping me from harm, particularly when I don't know what's waiting for me.

Going Mobile (Part 3): Finding the 'Perfect' Wireless Phone

Written by Donna Schwartz Mills

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Going Mobile, Part 3: Findingrepparttar 'Perfect' Wireless Phone by Donna Schwartz Mills < >

So you've done your homework: You have a clear idea of how and where you'll be using your phone. You know how many "any time" minutes you need and have selected a carrier who coversrepparttar 117489 region you'll be in most often. It's time to go shopping for your handset; your telephone which will likely be a part of your workspace forrepparttar 117490 next year or two.

Your new carrier may offer you a free or discounted phone with your contract. This may be all you want or need. After all, today's free phones have allrepparttar 117491 features that were sexy and new two years ago... and that may be enough. Then again... if you wantrepparttar 117492 latest andrepparttar 117493 greatest, you may want to look into an upgrade.

Wireless phone companies heavily subsidizerepparttar 117494 cost of handsets, especially to their new customers. This can result in a significant discount -- sometimes as much as a couple of hundred dollars offrepparttar 117495 retail cost of a new phone. Sorepparttar 117496 question is -- what features do you need or want? And before you can respond to that, you need to know what is possible. The answer might amaze you.

There are people out there who feel they MUST haverepparttar 117497 very best in wireless phone products. These folks flock to a site called PhoneScoop, which carries wireless telephone news and reviews of models onrepparttar 117498 market -- some of which have yet to hit U.S. shores. Check out their "Phone Finder" to select a model that's right for you:

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Amongrepparttar 117499 variables they'll ask you about are easy ones, like weight, antenna type and style (flip, folder, slide, etc.) But thenrepparttar 117500 list of possibilities is dizzying:

* Will you be traveling outsiderepparttar 117501 country? Then you might need World Roaming.

* Most wireless phones have some address book capacity. Others also have alarms, calendars, calculators and other organizing functions and may serve as a substitute for a PDA. (Hey, there are even hybrids that run on Palm OS or Windows CE)

* You will soon be hearing a lot about Bluetooth - this is a technology that enables electronic devices (like computers, PDA's, telephones) to work together as a wireless network. You may not be using it now - but some ofrepparttar 117502 hottest phones have it built in... so when you do, you'll be ready.

* Say "Cheese!" One wireless carrier has been putting a lot of money advertising their new "Vision" function, allowing you to send digital photos through your wireless telephone. Of course, you need a special handset for this. And while at this writing,repparttar 117503 phones onrepparttar 117504 market do not includerepparttar 117505 digital camera you need, there are some waiting inrepparttar 117506 wings.

* Lots of wireless users have fun customizing their phones with colorful faceplates and different ringtones. But not all phones allow you to do this -- if you want yours to playrepparttar 117507 theme from Spongebob Squarepants when it rings, you'll need a phone that has this feature enabled. Some even have ringtones that are "polyphonic," which means that they can simulaterepparttar 117508 sound of up to 40 different instruments.

* If you spend a lot of time away from your home office, data capability may be a real convenience. Check email, surfrepparttar 117509 web -- some phones will even allow you to receive faxes onrepparttar 117510 go.

* Do you do a lot of purchasing by phone? You may benefit fromrepparttar 117511 security of a built-in "digital wallet."

* Some phones have a GPS (global satellite positioning) feature, which means that an emergency call to 911 could giverepparttar 117512 operator your exact location. A definite plus for those concerned with security issues.

* While we do not advocate talking on your wireless while driving, we recognize that people will do so as long as it's legal. You can at least minimize your risks by selecting a phone with some hands-free options, like a headset jack or speaker and voice dialing.

* SMS and MMS are systems for sending and receiving text messages. MMS is a more advanced system found in some ofrepparttar 117513 newer Nokia phones -- in addition to text, you can send graphics, photos and audio clips.

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