An Intro to Managed Services

Written by Sean Sweeney/Tim Laropcque

The Perfect Storm Managed service overview

Why now? There are many reasonsrepparttar move to managed service is now a must for service providers. Your clients not so long ago may have thought of managed services as a nice thing to have and not a necessity but now with allrepparttar 100552 government regulations starting to not only come into place but also be enforced your clients backs are up againstrepparttar 100553 wall and they need tools in place to satisfy these needs.

Can you say to your client that you are 100% protected from such things as fraud and hackers, no of course not? What you can say though with a detailed policy plan and technology infrastructure that you and they have done everything possible to protect data andrepparttar 100554 network.

We are all aware how powerfulrepparttar 100555 role of technology plays in every day life from mom looking up directions using Map Quest to Fortune 500 companies having thousands of employees working from remote locations all overrepparttar 100556 world. Ask anyone to turn offrepparttar 100557 network and see how long they stay happy.

The Greatest Principle Of Human Persuasion

Written by David Bell

If I could gift to you one piece of knowledge about human engineering that would assure your success in your network marketing endeavors. If I could share with you one principle, which when applied correctly while engaging your suspects, prospect, clients, friends and family, would enable you to win more of them over. If I could pass on to you what I believe to be "the rule",repparttar greatest principle of human persuasion that exists, it would be this.... Before I disclose this great principle of human persuasion to you, you should be aware that you do not need to obtain any additional education, training nor instructions. I must emphasis, if there is any thing worth remembering, it is this...."there is no other principle or rule on human persuasion which is even a close second." What is this great principle of human persuasion? What is this pre-existing ability which you possess, that can improve your network marketing outcome? Which single principle of human persuasion would I share with you if I could reveal but one? It is this..."People are persuaded more byrepparttar 100551 depth of your conviction than byrepparttar 100552 height of your logic, more by your own enthusiasm than any proof you can offer." Put another way, "people are converted not to your way of thinking, they are persuaded more by your way of feeling, your way of believing." Your conviction, your enthusiasm, your belief in what you are doing is what sells. Your feelings, your emotions, your honest interest in your product and your prospect is what persuades. Your optimism, your assurances, your hope, when combined with knowledge of what you are doing, enjoyment of what you are doing, and faith that you and yours arerepparttar 100553 very best, creates an unseen force which can not be resisted. People are turned on by your feelings, not by what you say. The belief is in you, not in what you are selling. They buy because you ask them to, not because they need your product or service.

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