An Easy Way Not to Get Banned by Google

Written by Michael Murray, VP of Fathom SEO

Strategic search engine optimization involves far more than keyword research, META tags and content.

If you want to mange an SEO program, you need to be aware of any issue that can affect your success.

Domain name management is one ofrepparttar big factors. Effective domain name management is critical because you could end up getting banned from Google and other search engines if you takerepparttar 127725 wrong approach.

Why would Google ban you?

Inrepparttar 127726 spirit of fair play and providing depth in its results, Google frowns on duplicate content. Some web site owners purchase multiple domains and copy their content for both domains. They figure they may landrepparttar 127727 #1 and #2 positions that way. That may berepparttar 127728 company’s goal, but it’s not very valuable forrepparttar 127729 Internet searcher.

Even if you don’t maintain your identical content with two or more domains, you can still run into problems. It’s possible to update just one set of web pages, but have them look like duplicates because of howrepparttar 127730 domain names are administered. You may be risking everything if someone enters and

Search Engine Optimization For Google

Written by SEO Expert

A group of Google employees have recently filed a patent application (#20050071741) withrepparttar United States Patent and Trademark Office which gives insight into how to optimize one’s website to do well inrepparttar 127724 Google rankings. The filing ofrepparttar 127725 patent gives verification that Google uses or intends to use historical data in its ranking algorithm. This patent also gives credence torepparttar 127726 Google Sandbox Theory for new websites.

Underrepparttar 127727 Google Sandbox Theory, new websites are placed in a sort of holding tank for observation for a period of time (6 – 9 months at present) untilrepparttar 127728 website has proved that it’s not a fly-by-night operation. Oncerepparttar 127729 Sandbox period is over, then new websites will climb rapidly inrepparttar 127730 rankings. The Google Sandbox Theory is an unofficial theory based on observation and anecdotal evidence from those withinrepparttar 127731 search engine optimization industry.

Based onrepparttar 127732 new Google patent here arerepparttar 127733 top 5 suggestions to better optimize a website for Google:

1.Build links slowly to your website. Websites that put up a bunch links quickly send up a red flag that links are being added in order to boost rankings. According to Google, natural links happen slowly over time, so one’s link-building strategy also needs to include link-building slowly over time. 2.The anchor text inrepparttar 127734 back links to a website also need to be natural as well. If a website has lots of great content of interest to visitors, other Webmasters will naturally link torepparttar 127735 website. Content is still king when it comes to building natural links. In fact, having great content isrepparttar 127736 best natural linking strategy.

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