In this series of articles, you will learn exactly how to lose belly fat, using 10 proven techniques from medical studies and laboratories around world. ________________________________Abdominal fat is now seen as a growing health hazard, an indicator and contributor to “Syndrome X,” or metabolic syndrome. The risks of metabolic syndrome go far beyond a bulge at your waistline, and include heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
If you’re over 40, it’s time to get serious about reducing your abdominal fat. Not just for your waistline, but to dramatically reduce your risk of chronic disease.
How to Lose Belly Fat: Secret #2 - DHEA
DHEA is a human hormone that has also been found in certain types of yams. While some of research on DHEA and fat loss is inconclusive, a new study published in prestigious JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) in 2004 is turning heads.
In JAMA study, 28 men and 28 women, ranging from 65 to 78 years of age, took 50 mg. of non-prescription DHEA for 6 months. The DHEA treatment produced “significant decreases” in both abdominal fat and ordinary fat. In addition, insulin sensitivity was also substantially improved.
The researchers concluded that “DHEA replacement could play a role in prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome associated with abdominal obesity.” Primarily, I would add, in elderly people- or people with low levels of DHEA.