America's Public Schools --- Deteriorating Like They Did In Ancient Rome

Written by Joel Turtel

The citizens ofrepparttar early Roman Republic enjoyed an education system similar to ancient Athens. It was voluntary and parents paid tutors or schools directly. There was very little government interference, so a vibrant education free market of tutors, schools, and apprenticeships developed.

One aspect of Roman society that compromised their education system was that Roman parents wanted their children to learn knowledge that only Greek teachers could provide. However, most Greeks in Rome atrepparttar 145927 time were slaves.

As a result,repparttar 145928 Greek teachers could not personally or financially benefit by their work. Often their morale was low and they were subject to harsh discipline. Unlikerepparttar 145929 free teachers in ancient Athens, Greek slave-teachers in Rome had little incentive to innovate or continually improve their skills. As a result,repparttar 145930 quality of education stagnated.

Also, a majority ofrepparttar 145931 Roman population was slaves, both from Greece and other areas Rome had conquered. Naturally, these slaves had no rights and no control over their children’s education.

Homeschooling Takes Your Child Out Of Public School --- A Unique Benefit

Written by Joel Turtel

Home-schooling removes children from public school. That alone makes home-schooling worthwhile. Unlike public-school children, home-schooled kids are not prisoners of a system that can wreck their self-esteem, ability to read, and love of learning.

Home-schooled kids don’t have to read dumb-downed text-books, study subjects they hate, or endure meaningless classes six to eight hours a day. Home-schooled kids won’t be subject to drugs, bullies, violence, or peer pressure, as they are in public schools. Home-schooled children who are “different” in any way won’t have to endure cruel jokes and taunts from other children in their classes.

Slow-learning or “special-needs” children won’t be humiliated by their peers if they are put in regular classes, or further humiliated ifrepparttar teacher puts them in so-called spe-cial-education classes. Faster-learning home-schooled kids won’t have to sit through mind-numbing classes that are geared torepparttar 145926 slowest-learning students in a class. They won’t have to “learn” in cooperative groups where other kids inrepparttar 145927 group do nothing or are not cooperative. Home-schooled children do not have to waste their time memorizing meaningless facts about subjects that bore them, just so they can passrepparttar 145928 next dumbed-down test to obey and please school authorities.

Home-schooled kids don’t have to endure twelve years of a third-rate, public-school education that leaves many students barely able to read their own diplomas. The notion that tests tell teachers and parents what children have learned turns out to false. John Holt, teacher and author of "How Children Fail," pointed out that most children soon forget what they memorized for a test as soon asrepparttar 145929 test is over, sorepparttar 145930 entire test-taking process is usually worthless. Facts or ideas that are not useful or relevant to children pass through them like a sieve and are soon forgotten.

Home-schooled kids don’t have to study an arbitrary, meaningless curriculum of subjects imposed on them by public-school authorities. They don’t have to be treated like little mindless, spiritless robots that have to learnrepparttar 145931 same subjects atrepparttar 145932 same time and inrepparttar 145933 same sequence as their classmates.

Home-schooled children don’t have to sit quietly in a class of twenty-five other students and pretend they like being in this mini-prison called public school, just to avoid being punished by a teacher for “acting-out” or fidgeting in their seats.

Any adult’s mind would wander if they were forced to sit through a boring lecture for just one hour. Yet public schools expect children to sit still for boring lectures on subjects that are meaningless to them, for six to eight hours a day.

Home-schooled children do not have to be fearful of displeasing a teacher because they getrepparttar 145934 wrong answers on meaningless tests. They therefore do not have to be fearful of learning and have their natural joy in learning crippled as a result of this fear.

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