Amazon Tribe Communicates through Heart Sounds

Written by Keith Varnum

"Talking" like Dolphins and Whales

In what might be compared torepparttar telepathic, holographic language dolphins and whales use, a tribe of aborigines has been discovered in South America who communicate in a similar way. These indigenous peoples "talk" to each other using heart sounds that transmit exact images and experiences directly torepparttar 126223 other person. Rather than using symbols, such as words, to represent a certain image or experience,repparttar 126224 speaker communicates by triggering withinrepparttar 126225 listenerrepparttar 126226 same visual and emotional experience thatrepparttar 126227 speaker is having.

Connecting by Direct Transmission

Renowned spiritual workshop leader, Drunvalo Melchizedek has been exploringrepparttar 126228 unique wordless communication practiced by this tribe living deep inrepparttar 126229 Amazon jungle. The Mamas,repparttar 126230 religious leaders ofrepparttar 126231 Kogi, "talk" telepathically to each other, speaking fromrepparttar 126232 heart in images. Drunvalo describes his experience withrepparttar 126233 Kogi, "They make little sounds, but these sounds are not logically arranged into any pattern such as an alphabet. These sounds come fromrepparttar 126234 heart, notrepparttar 126235 mind, and create images inside your head, and you can 'see' whatrepparttar 126236 other person is communicating."

Sound Deliversrepparttar 126237 Experience

Drunvalo details how he was taught to communicate using image- producing heart sounds. The instruction came from a Kogi woman who projected her consciousness into a participant at one of Drunvalo's workshops. Communicating through this third party-the workshop participant,repparttar 126238 Kogi woman grasps Drunvalo's hand, looks deeply into his eyes and emits "a soft and longing sound." Drunvalo relates, "The sound went straight to my heart and vibrated inside my very center, and I could 'see' what she was saying. She made another 'sound,' and my body responded with another similar 'sound' that had never come from me before. Instantly, we were speaking in a new and profound manner that was so beautiful, so complete. It made allrepparttar 126239 languages ofrepparttar 126240 world seem inadequate and obsolete. For two hours we communicated in images of full color and depth with allrepparttar 126241 sensory completeness of real life. I learned about life, and I learned about this woman."

The Man Who Tastes Shapes

Written by Keith Varnum

Some people see, taste, hear and feel thingsrepparttar rest of us don' t. James Wannerton tastes words: "New York is runny eggs. London is extremely lumpy mashed potatoes." Carol Steen sees every letter with a color: "Z isrepparttar 126222 color of beer, a light ale."

For Carol Crane, music is felt: "I always feel guitars on my ankles and violins on my face." Other people experience smells when exposed to shapes, or hear sounds inside taste. And for some, numbers have color, sounds have smell, and words have flavor. Music is not only heard, it's seen and tasted--the list goes on.

Neurologist Richard Cytowic explores this surreal world of " synesthesia" in his book, The Man Who Tasted Shapes. " Synesthesia means joined sensation, and some people are born with two or more of their senses hooked together," explains Cytowic.

The most common form of synesthesia is when a person see letters in different colors instead of seeing black ink letters as black. Although people differ from each other in what colorsrepparttar 126223 letters are,repparttar 126224 colors usually remainrepparttar 126225 same for each individual throughout their life.

Depending on what food they taste, other synesthetes experience taste as a shape, like a triangle or circle. Another person sees orange when feeling pain.

For New York artist Carol Steen, synesthesia is inspiration. She sees shapes and colors when listening to music or receiving acupuncture-images that she transforms into works of art. "It's like putting on sunglasses and being able to seerepparttar 126226 world throughrepparttar 126227 sunglasses," she says. Once, when Steen injured her leg while hiking, all she saw was a world bathed in orange.

And, Carol Crane does more than simply hear a concert. She physically experiences each instrument within a different part of her body.

Still another person hears a sound that tastes like pickles. For as long as he can recall, words have triggeredrepparttar 126228 part of Wannerton's brain that responds to tastes and flavors. "I can remember being in a big school assembly hall listening torepparttar 126229 Lords Prayer," he says, "and it was while listening to that, I used to get flavor after flavor coming in. It was mostly bacon."

Wannerton says his synesthesia causes him some discomfort in his personal life. "I've had girlfriends with names I couldn't stand saying. Tracey is a very strong flavored name and it's flaky- pastry. Whenever I was in her company, that's what I thought of constantly." And atrepparttar 126230 end ofrepparttar 126231 day, he suffers from sensory overload. But still he doesn't want a cure. "I've had it since I can remember, and taking it away--I wouldn't likerepparttar 126232 thought of that," he says.

What's going on insiderepparttar 126233 synesthete's brain?

Dr. Vilyanur Ramachandran, a neurologist who studies quirks ofrepparttar 126234 brain, was scanningrepparttar 126235 brain of McAllister, a man who sees music. Duringrepparttar 126236 imaging,repparttar 126237 music being played stimulates not only McAllister's audio cortex, but also his visual cortex. "The visual area lit up in him," says Ramachandran, "so you know there was neurological activity inrepparttar 126238 visual region of his brain even though he was only listening to music." McAllister describes it as a "Fantasia-like experience: explosions of color all overrepparttar 126239 place. A bright flash of lavender getting dimmer and dimmer; now we're going over a pink staircase, some lavender violins. It looks very beautiful."

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