Alternative Medicine

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

Alternative Medicine isrepparttar use of natural therapy and medicines to restore and maintain health. Dating back to 420 B.C., aroundrepparttar 149298 time of Hippocrates, alternative medicine is also considered a practice beyondrepparttar 149299 realm of conventional modern medicine - naturopathy, chiropractic, Ayurvedic, homeopathy, acupuncture and so many other alternative medicine treatments are steadily in demand and onrepparttar 149300 rise.

Because our bodies are composed of chemical and physical reactions, holistic practitioners affirm that illness is not directly caused by pathogens such as viruses or bacterium; instead isrepparttar 149301 consequence ofrepparttar 149302 body's reaction (in an effort to shield and heal itself) to a pathogen. Naturopathic and holistic doctors assist potential clients through alternative medicine by plainly alleviating symptoms of disease. Alternative medicine can treat most conditions like headaches, sore throats, flu and cold, indigestion, ear infections, dermatitis, urinary tract infections, sprains and strains. Some chronic conditions such as migraines, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, cancer, muscle-skeletal pain, depression, stress, and even pregnancy and childbirth may be treated with alternative medicine as well.

Alternative medicine

Avandia Side Effect Lawyer: Diabetes Drug Damages Liver

Written by Anna Henningsgaard

Avandia, a compound of rosiglitazone maleate, is an oral antidiabetic agent. Avandia pills increase insulin sensitivity for patients with type 2 diabetes, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Avandia also improves glycemic control as it reducesrepparttar circulation of insulin levels. If diet, exercise, and a single drug are not enough to control blood sugar levels, Avandia can be used in conjunction with another drug.

Avandia is not to be used for type 1 diabetes (juvenile onset diabetes) or diabetic ketoacidosis. It is questionable whether people with heart failure, fluid retention, or active liver disease should take Avandia at all. Since Avandia became available there have been reports ofrepparttar 149297 development of hepatitis (the inflammation ofrepparttar 149298 liver) due to elevated liver enzymes. Patients taking Avandia should have their liver enzymes monitored regularly.

Additionally, Avandia is inrepparttar 149299 same class of drugs as Rezulin, a very dangerous drug that has been associated with devastating liver injury including liver failure that can only be cured with transplant. Without immediate transplant, many Rezulin liver failures have resulted in death. Because of this close association with a dangerous drug, users of Avandia should be in close contact with a doctor if they notice any symptoms of liver problems such as nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, fatigue, dark urine, or jaundice. Avandia is also very dangerous for pregnant women and their unborn children.

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