Allergy Relief For Pets And Their Owners Through Glyconutrition

Written by George Shears

A New Understanding of Allergies

Allergies of all kinds seem to be onrepparttar rise--both for people and for their pets. The exciting new science of Glycobiology points strongly to a common basis for many of these allergies; andrepparttar 113773 revolutionary new nutritional technology of glyconutrition, which has developed from this new science, is proving to be a very effective--and natural--way to help both pets and their owners get marked relief from their allergies.

A recent 12-year longitudinal study with people who beganrepparttar 113774 study as young, healthy adults found thatrepparttar 113775 functional level of their immune systems declined, on average, atrepparttar 113776 rate of about 3% per year. This rapid decline is correlated with a corresponding increase inrepparttar 113777 incidence of auto-immune diseases and a proliferation of allergies of all kinds--including allergies to pets.

Ironically, however, pets also are commonly afflicted with stubborn allergies that are a source of much distress--and expense--for their owners. And, very commonly--just as with their owners--medical interventions that mainly focus on treatingrepparttar 113778 symptoms are quite ineffective.

The findings of Glycobiology suggest that this prevailing approach may be barking uprepparttar 113779 wrong tree, so to speak, and that a nutritional intervention that, instead, suppliesrepparttar 113780 body with crucial micronutrients that are lacking is likely to be far more effective.

Glycobiology has now established that every cell inrepparttar 113781 mammalian body requires eight necessary sugar molecules in order to function effectively. These sugars combine with protein and fat molecules into glycoforms that attach themselves torepparttar 113782 surfaces of every cell inrepparttar 113783 body. Under an electron microscope, they look like weird trees growing onrepparttar 113784 cell surface. One of their most important functions there is to allow cells to communicate effectively with each other.

Torepparttar 113785 degree that these "super sugars" are deficient, cell-to-cell communication tends to break down and some form of illness starts to develop.

An insufficiency of these sugar molecules is particularly disastrous forrepparttar 113786 immune system, because it causesrepparttar 113787 cells ofrepparttar 113788 immune system to become, in effect, partially blind. These cells can then become over-reactive in attacking allergens of all kinds and even in attackingrepparttar 113789 tissues ofrepparttar 113790 body; onrepparttar 113791 other hand, ironically, they may become under-reactive in attacking true pathogens that are serious threats torepparttar 113792 body.

Unfortunately, six of these crucially-important sugar molecules are seriously lacking inrepparttar 113793 modern diet. They are commonly found, however, in vine-ripened fruits and vegetables and also in many ofrepparttar 113794 wild foods that our stone-age ancestors consumed in abundance.

When these glyconutrients, as they are called technically (glyco fromrepparttar 113795 Greek word for "sweet"), are provided in adequate quantity torepparttar 113796 body through supplementation, all ofrepparttar 113797 cells inrepparttar 113798 body start functioning much more effectively. This is especially true for cells inrepparttar 113799 immune system. As cell-to-cell communication improves in this system, it tends to become better modulated--that is, less likely either to over- or under-react. Correspondingly, allergies and auto-immune conditions tend to diminish or disappear.

Just as these crucial glyconutrients are lacking inrepparttar 113800 modern diet for humans, they are similarly deficient in nearly all commercial pet food, which is also loaded with artificial dyes, perservatives and additives. The ancestors of our canine and feline pets--just like our human ancestors--have spent eons eating wild, natural foods, and this is what their systems are designed for. It is only inrepparttar 113801 last several decades that they--along with their owners--have been exposed to commercially prepared foods, as well asrepparttar 113802 chemicals these foods contain - chemicals that their bodies (as well as ours) cannot tolerate. In addition, artificial ingredients in these foods can trigger an immune response that, quite literally, can make pets sick.

Eat Healthy for Life

Written by J Bowler

Let’s not talk about diets. Diets are punishment – like being sent to bed without dinner. Diets take some ofrepparttar fun out of living. Many diets or supplements are harmful to your health or even dangerous, if you have certain risk factors.

Forget any past diet failures and push aside any guilt or shame you harbor about your weight. It’s time to look forward; not back. You haverepparttar 113772 whole future in front of you to get better every day. It's time to eat healthy.

This is not a short term fix. Isn’t your health more important than your weight? Let’s be sensible and talk about eating healthy for life.

Don’t get me wrong – diets do help many people lose weight – for a time. Almost any restrictive diet can give one a jump start on weight loss; and many people are so encouraged byrepparttar 113773 rapid weight loss that they are motivated to stay onrepparttar 113774 diet.

Studies have shown thatrepparttar 113775 only diets that work arerepparttar 113776 ones you stick to. That whyrepparttar 113777 majority of people who successfully lose weight on a restrictive diet run into trouble when they move torepparttar 113778 maintenance phase. So again I say, you need a plan to eat healthy for life.

As with most things in life, there’s no ONE solution that suit’s everyone. When choosing to eat healthy, a plan forrepparttar 113779 rest of your life, you want to find one that YOU can live with.

If your choice of plan starts with an initial (less than nutritious) restrictive phase, consider what supplements you ought to take during that phase. Also be sure thatrepparttar 113780 maintenance part ofrepparttar 113781 program meets generally accepted nutritional guidelines or that you can make it do so with minor adjustments or supplementation. You definitely need to think long term when choosing to eat healthy.

What We’ve Known All Along

With allrepparttar 113782 diet programs, books, ads and fads these days, it’s easy to lose sight of some really basic facts of some very convincing long term health studies that can guide us to healthier eating.

1.Calories In vs. Calories Expended

The human body is a marvelous machine. It can be pushed to great lengths, like pre-exam all-nighters, or to perform amazing feats, like running marathons or scaling mountains. But it is a machine. It needs to be cared for and properly maintained.

The more it is abused or pushed torepparttar 113783 max,repparttar 113784 greaterrepparttar 113785 chance that parts will break down prematurely or beyond nature’s ability to repair them. Like any machine, it needs fuel to operate. Give it improper or insufficient fuel and it won’t run as well, if at all. Give it too much fuel and that will gum uprepparttar 113786 works. Now here’s whererepparttar 113787 analogy breaks down.

With a man made machine, excess fuel simply overflows and makes a big mess. Unfortunately,repparttar 113788 human machine hasrepparttar 113789 amazing capacity to create unlimited new storage tanks for excess fuel – even torepparttar 113790 point of death. Further, once that excess fuel is stored, it is difficult to dislodge – but not impossible. That’srepparttar 113791 Calories In part ofrepparttar 113792 equation.

The fuel you take in is burned by every single movement you make: breathing smiling, kissing, walking, dancing, chewing and even digesting your food. The more you move,repparttar 113793 more fuel (calories) you burn.

The part of your body that hasrepparttar 113794 ability to move other parts is muscle. Ergorepparttar 113795 more muscles you have andrepparttar 113796 more you use them,repparttar 113797 more calories you burn. In fact, every ounce of muscle you add increases your basal metabolism –repparttar 113798 rate at which your body burns fuel.

One pound of fat contains 3500 calories. If you cut 250 calories from your daily diet and burn another 250 calories with exercise, you can lose one pound in a week!

The most efficient way to eat healthy operates on both sides ofrepparttar 113799 equation. Monitor your fuel intake of course; but just as importantly, get moving to burn that fuel. And better yet, build new muscle to boost your metabolism –repparttar 113800 rate at which YOUR body burns fuel. This way you’ll burn more calories every hour of every day forrepparttar 113801 rest of your life.

2.Secrets ofrepparttar 113802 World’s Healthiest Populations

Global epidemiological studies have identified some unusually healthy populations and linked their health to diets that differ in significant ways fromrepparttar 113803 typical Western diet.

Japan, which has some ofrepparttar 113804 world's lowest rates of obesity, heart disease, cancer and diabetes has a diet which is very rich in carbohydrates. The Japanese enjoy rice, vegetables, beans, and fruits at most meals.

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