All The Stars In The Sky

Written by Valerie Zilinsky

Fromrepparttar time my daughter started talking, stars have always played a special part in our life. She asked me an impossible question... "Mom, how much do you love me?" I searched for an answer...How can a parent possibly put those feelings into words?

We were outside, and looking up atrepparttar 111624 sky while trying to think ofrepparttar 111625 right way to answer, I found myself staring at a brilliantly starry night. And my answer came to me... "Sweetie, I love you more than allrepparttar 111626 stars inrepparttar 111627 sky!" She quickly gazed up atrepparttar 111628 beautiful glitter above, and I could see immediately how satisfied she was with my answer.

In recent years, we have repeated this conversation many times - wheneverrepparttar 111629 night sky cooperates, and even on cloudy days if she seems to need a reminder. She also has started to respond with her own ideas... she told me recently that she loves me more than allrepparttar 111630 trees inrepparttar 111631 world, and alsorepparttar 111632 water inrepparttar 111633 ocean.

In today's world, parents are rushing through each and every day, driving back and forth, going to work, going to school, attending sporting events, going on errands, cleaningrepparttar 111634 house, and an ongoing list of other activities that keep us busy. We tell ourselves that we are doing most of it for our families, for our children. But what they need most of all from us is to know that we care, to be reminded. Takerepparttar 111635 time to do that - right now!

Some ideas to help you get started right away: - Print out certificates and awards to personalize and give to your daughter, such asrepparttar 111636 ones available here:  - Put "love notes" in your child's lunch box - Send your child an email love-note - Make a "date" just forrepparttar 111637 two of you each week, and spend that time focusing on only your child. - Give your child a homemade coupon for ice-cream and a movie at home just forrepparttar 111638 two of you. - Make your child's favorite meal or dessert. - Send your child a letter inrepparttar 111639 mail. - Frame your child's artwork and hang it for a week where everyone can see it.

Friends, Fish, & The Future

Written by Valerie Zilinsky

As a parent, have you ever secretly thought to yourself that maybe it was wrong of you to bring your children into a world like ours? I have had that thought cross my mind fleetingly overrepparttar years, particularly when I turn onrepparttar 111623 evening news, or readrepparttar 111624 headlines of each day's newspaper. For a brief instant, I wonder if it was selfish of me to give birth to a child who will have to grow up in a world so scary and unpredictable.

I have been living in a prolonged version of one of those moments forrepparttar 111625 past few weeks, as our nation recovers fromrepparttar 111626 disastrous attacks of September 11th, 2001. In a world where such hatred and evil exists, how canrepparttar 111627 innocence of my children fit in here?

My children are responsible for bringing me back to reality just yesterday, as I watched them go on with their lives at a church picnic we attended.

I saw my daughter make a new friend, and play arm-in-arm with her for hours. They discovered things together, played side-by-side, sang and ran and laughed together, and learned from each other. Those two could have taughtrepparttar 111628 world a lesson aboutrepparttar 111629 importance of making new friends, and enjoyingrepparttar 111630 uniqueness of each individual.

My son also had something to teach our world yesterday - if you don't see a solution to a problem, don't give up! Frustration won't help, and neither will anger. Instead, use your imagination to explore new ideas and find a way to make it work. All this came from watching him progress from being bored, to moping around in frustration, to catching a fish with a contraption he pieced together from a styrofoam cup and a branch he found onrepparttar 111631 ground. He was so proud of himself and showed everyone what he did, even those he didn't know.

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