All Talk And No Action; So Let It Be Written; So Let It Be Done!

Written by Richard Vegas

It is so important to know how to motivate ourselves in an effective manner and in a desirable direction. Throughout life we continually struggle betweenrepparttar dual forces of what we say and what we do. So, I ask you, what would you pay for a personal formula that would turn all your words into action?

A Kid After My Own Heart!

I was in a mall one day and saw a little child say to his father, "daddy, if you say please, I'll let you carry me". And, of courserepparttar 123603 father reached down with a big smile and picked up his son. Who could resist? I gave some thought to that scene and here are some things I considered.

Could that father have reacted differently? Probably! Butrepparttar 123604 little boy didn't realize it but he went directly torepparttar 123605 source of motivation. Right onrepparttar 123606 spot that kid turned his dad into putty in his hand.

I marveled as I watched this little kid motivate his father. Not motivating himself, but motivating his father. I think there is a key here.

Under His Thumb!

It wasrepparttar 123607 wordsrepparttar 123608 little boy used to getrepparttar 123609 free ride he wanted. It'srepparttar 123610 words we use on ourselves that get us our free ride or, just another pain inrepparttar 123611 neck. The little boy could have stomped his foot and demanded to be picked up. That would probably not have motivated his father, or, at least motivated him inrepparttar 123612 wrong direction.

The right words bring motivation,repparttar 123613 wrong words bring resistance. Whenrepparttar 123614 right words bring motivation, they bring confidence. It relaxes our defenses and we let our guard down. And then, we stop spending emotional energy to protect ourselves from possible failure. Instead we use that energy to reach forrepparttar 123615 probable rewards of success.

Say it And then Write it!

Anyone who writes a letter affectsrepparttar 123616 subconscious mind ofrepparttar 123617 person reading it through suggestion. A person may not accept your advice when given to them verbally. Many times becauserepparttar 123618 advice does not come over as a sincere suggestion, it comes across as orders. And, then they ball up like a knot.

At that moment,repparttar 123619 timing may be dead wrong forrepparttar 123620 other person to accept what you say emotionally. Perhapsrepparttar 123621 only thing he can think about atrepparttar 123622 moment is; he is a day late and a dollar short and your suggestions to him are about as interesting as two blind men having a conversation in a foreign language. You're trying to philosophize him, and He is facing all out war and sees you as slow as molasses in January.

But, that same person would accept a well written and sincere letter you write to them with open arms. If properly written it would be read over and over, studied frequently and digested. Ok, so what'srepparttar 123623 point?

Here it is. To write a letter you have to think. You have to formulate your ideas and put them on paper. And when you discover something you're about to write stinks, you can back off and change it. And,repparttar 123624 things you say directrepparttar 123625 other person's mind, and your own, inrepparttar 123626 direction you want it to go.

Just Call A Spade A Spade!

Example: all these articles, that I write, are words that I share with you in hopes of motivating you. Some things that I say are controversial and most people would not write such things. But, people accept it from me and realize that's justrepparttar 123627 way I am. They know that I love all of you and just trying to help and, I do it through my own silly style and backhanded compliments.

I have noticed that even when I read something I've written it has more of an impact on me emotionally. Not, because I wrote it, but because I'm reading it. The power ofrepparttar 123628 written word on our minds is very motivating.

I'm Fighting This War Too - in MY way!

Written by June McHardy

I'm Fighting This War Too - in MY way! © 2002 June McHardy

Like almost everyone inrepparttar country, I sat glued torepparttar 123602 television during beginning ofrepparttar 123603 war. I was awe-struck atrepparttar 123604 technology that enabled us to see live 'inrepparttar 123605 moment' action pictures of tanks moving acrossrepparttar 123606 desert. I marvelled atrepparttar 123607 precision with which targets were struck withrepparttar 123608 intent of minimizing collateral damage, protectingrepparttar 123609 civilian population. It was a new experience to get first hand accounts fromrepparttar 123610 soldiers themselves -repparttar 123611 thoughts and feelings ofrepparttar 123612 young men defending their country with valor and andrepparttar 123613 inherent morality of a free society.

Atrepparttar 123614 same time, my heart grew heavy asrepparttar 123615 casualties began to mount. Worry atrepparttar 123616 thought ofrepparttar 123617 potential results of a chemical or biological attack onrepparttar 123618 troops or civilians began to invade my thoughts. The reports of women and children being brought amongrepparttar 123619 Iraqi troops as human shields brought anger atrepparttar 123620 cruel regime. And it gradually dawned on me that this war - many thousands of miles away in a country far removed from my own was definitely impacting on my personal daily life.

I found that I was more dissatisfied, less relaxed and happy, more likely to find fault and to procrastinate ( some of my personal challenges). I was feeling less and less optimistic and hopeful.

In that very short period of time, my feelings of sorrow, worry, anger resulting from my view ofrepparttar 123621 war had already changed my reality!

The good news is that, having recognized this and knowing that our thoughts do indeed create our personal reality, I realized that I do have full and complete control over my own thoughts and interpretations of this war. Furthermore, my positive thoughts can have an impact on my immediate circle of influence. If I can positively effect those in my immediate surroundings, then this circle continues to expand outwardy.

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