All Successful Entrepreneurs Do This

Written by John Baker

All Successful Entrepreneurs Do This By John Baker

Everyone wants to make money! Some want to make money by owning their own business. All successful entrepreneurs haverepparttar self discipline to build their business. Most of us have heardrepparttar 104459 saying "you need money to make money". Basically what this means is you must invest money in your business if it's to make money. Some 24% of all startup small businesses fail within two years. That's becauserepparttar 104460 life of your business depends on you during these early years. If you must depend onrepparttar 104461 business it will probably fail. The first years of a business rarely show profit, because you are re-investing your money back in it.

Most of us spend money on entertainment, whether it's eating out at nice restaurants, movies, cars, bikes, games, big toys, etc..... Some of us can come up with cash for our online business by not eating out one time a month! That should not be so hard to do, as lots of us are spending more and more money on weight loss products!

If you want your business to grow you must feed it. You must spend money to make money, even if it's a small amount, it will still grow some. You cannot winrepparttar 104462 lottery without first buying a ticket!

All successful entrepreneurs spend a certain amount each month on their business. Sure you say they are making money so they have it to spend. But actually you start out investing a larger percentage of your profits then you will later on as your business grows. Most people who start an Off-line business usually invest a large amount of capital before they see any money coming in. You have to continually re-invest your money.

Madeline Hill; Senior Community Pioneer

Written by John Darling

Madeline Hill may be unique among senior community developers. She created her multi-million dollar “city,” – an upscale, yet affordable group of single-family homes, condo’s and apartments -- not so she could become a rich and powerful CEO, but so she could handrepparttar whole thing over, debt-free, torepparttar 104458 home-owner’s association.

It was a vision thing. Hill gotrepparttar 104459 idea when she was a high-level bureaucrat with state senior services and saw her friends getting old, needing help and having no place to go but assisted living centers, adult foster care and nursing homes inrepparttar 104460 big town 15 miles away.

Why couldn’t this aging group of friends live near each other for support, have services brought to them (rather than being shipped around to various facilities as their need for care deepened) and, above all, keep and use their hard-won equity to maintain their own home -- a much simpler, single-level, maintenance-free home that works for older people?

“What decided me was when my neighbor fell and it became apparent she couldn’t stay in her home,” said Hill. “She asked me to help her move to an apartment 12 miles away. She cried inrepparttar 104461 car and said, I bet you won’t come visit me. She said she would never again see her friends,repparttar 104462 library,repparttar 104463 parks,repparttar 104464 friendly cashier atrepparttar 104465 market and allrepparttar 104466 things that spell community and make life worth living.”

Throughrepparttar 104467 1970s,repparttar 104468 vision took hold – helping older people to live independent lives, with dignity – and surrounded by friends, family and community. Especially women, who, at that time, hadn’t had access to credit andrepparttar 104469 knowledge of how to handle money.

“I took a seminar called ‘Do You Have What It Takes To Be an Entrepreneur.’ It was oriented toward women and it opened my eyes that I could do things and be assertive – that women could be leaders, make decisions and that it was ok for women to talk about money and power and be comfortable in that realm.”

But Hill herself knew almost nothing about money and to prove it, she and her husband Hunter had just lost $40,000 by handing it over to a broker who put it in limited partnerships, “which had no inherent value but were supposed to be good tax shelters,” Hill said.

“It wiped us out and was embarrassing, too. I decided I was never going to put faith in something I didn’t understand. I started reading about real estate. The concept came: I knew my town – Ashland --repparttar 104470 city council and planning commission andrepparttar 104471 local economy. The was something I could see and feel and learn –repparttar 104472 opposite of sending money to New York City.”

Hill went torepparttar 104473 library (this was beforerepparttar 104474 internet) and checked out books on how to make a million in real estate. She also read two life-changing books – Phyllis Chesler’s “Women, Money and Power” and David Schwartz’s 1959 classic, “The Magic of Thinking Big.”

“Schwartz showed me that, with aboutrepparttar 104475 same effort, you can do something to help one person or a whole lot of people. Aboutrepparttar 104476 same time, a guy came (to her state jobsite) and gave a lecture onrepparttar 104477 positive nature of change. In doingrepparttar 104478 processes and games, I realized allrepparttar 104479 others resented and resisted change and I wasrepparttar 104480 only one who loved it. I knew I had to get out of there.”

Hanging onto her job inrepparttar 104481 meanwhile for cash flow and borrowing power, Hill in 1985 bought her first rental for $19,000. She could choose tenants, checkrepparttar 104482 their credit and divert savings from jobs into something that was growing. (The Rogue Valley was then beginning an enormous surge of immigration, mostly from California, and appreciation in housing prices that’s still going on.)

The investment was hands-on and labor intensive. With help from her retired parents, Hill learned how to hang sheetrock and insulation, lay carpets and paint rooms. She liked it. It was real and tangible, with results you could see and feel a sense of accomplishment about.

She joinedrepparttar 104483 local rental owners association, learning from peers – and her realtor – how to analyze a property with an eye to something that would grow. She told her real estate agent to watch forrepparttar 104484 next good property. It was a duplex for $72,000 on a nice street in rapidly appreciating Ashland. Hill in 1987 tookrepparttar 104485 big leap – refinancing her own home forrepparttar 104486 down, but getting lower interest so her own payment remainedrepparttar 104487 same.

The magic of investment was beginning to work. She fixed uprepparttar 104488 duplex (now appraising at $270,000 a gain of over $12,000 a year) refinanced it to lower interest twice, while pulling out $25,000 each time to land two more rentals, since fixed up and sold at profit.

But it wasn’t all aboutrepparttar 104489 money. Hill was an old-fashioned liberal and feminist, whose values were shaped inrepparttar 104490 sixties and seventies. Her work was always somehow grounded inrepparttar 104491 improvement of society, an ethic instilled in her by old-fashioned, hard-working Norwegian parents who lived with and cared for their aged parents and a disabled aunt.

“My mom drove a school bus for disabled children and my best friend had cerebral palsy and was in a wheel chair. I got to deeply value disabled people as who they really are inside. As a child welfare worker, my first job out of college, I began trying to move handicapped children out of hospitals and to advocate for them being part of society,” she said.

Hill’s life mission shaped itself around getting people out of institutional settings and intorepparttar 104492 mainstream. As a social worker inrepparttar 104493 1970s, she did just that with veterans, then, throughrepparttar 104494 1980s, as regional manager for State Senior Services, got to seerepparttar 104495 hopelessness of nursing home residents – and started doing something to phase them out.

She pioneeredrepparttar 104496 federally-funded “Oregon Model for Long-Term Care” – moving seniors to community-based settings, such as adult foster care and assisted living facilities. The model wasrepparttar 104497 centerpiece for a White House Conference on Aging and was adopted by dozens of other states.

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