All About Popup Displays

Written by Rick Hendershot

by Rick Hendershot, Trade Show Tips

originally published at Trade Show Buzz

PopUp Displays are currentlyrepparttar most common form of low priced trade show and event display. A popup normally has only two main components, with two or three other popup display accessories. The most substantial part of a popup display isrepparttar 103659 folding frame which is normally made of either fibreglass or alumnimum tubes. The frame serves as a skeleton that you cover with display panels — either velcro-ready fabric panels, or graphic panels made of a material like Duralex which are lexan panels that have already been printed, normally using an high resolution large format printing process.

Beforerepparttar 103660 frame is made to "popup" it comes folded down to a unit approximately 8" square by 30" wide. When it is unfolded,repparttar 103661 frame "pops up" to a skeleton approximately 8' (or 10') wide by (usually) about 8' high. This frame normally weighs about 15 lbs. and is stable enough to just sit onrepparttar 103662 floor without any anchoring or external support. For exact specifications and measurements, see our popup design specifications pages.

The panels (either fabric panels or graphic panels) are normally about 30" wide by 8' high. There are usually either 4 or 8 panels required to coverrepparttar 103663 frame, with extra "end cap" panels made ofrepparttar 103664 same material to wrap aroundrepparttar 103665 ends ofrepparttar 103666 frame. These panels are flexible enough to be rolled up so they fit inrepparttar 103667 lightweight carrying case. They are normally adhered torepparttar 103668 frame by means of magentic strips applied to their back surface. These are attracted torepparttar 103669 magnetized bars that are part ofrepparttar 103670 skeleton frame. Oncerepparttar 103671 panels are applied torepparttar 103672 frame it gains even greater stability.

If your popup display has duralex graphic panels, thenrepparttar 103673 display is complete oncerepparttar 103674 panels are applied torepparttar 103675 frame. If you userepparttar 103676 more generic fabric panels, then you will probably have a number of graphics that are adhered torepparttar 103677 fabric with velcro strips. These graphics can be duralex (as above), flexible vinyl — essentially indoor vinyl banners — or posters (display prints) printed on paper and laminated so they are both flexible and durable.

GatheringTrade Show Leads the Smart Way

Written by Rick Hendershot

by Rick Hendershot,

This article was originally published at Trade Show Tips.

The most tried and true method of gathering leads at your trade show or special event isrepparttar business-card-in-the-fish-bowl method. Place a container such as a box or "fish bowl" somewhere nearrepparttar 103658 entrance or exit point of your trade show display area. Clearly mark it "Add your Business Card for More Information on our Products", or something like that, and you're in business.

Allrepparttar 103659 most commonly used lead generating systems are variations ofrepparttar 103660 business-card-in-the-fish-bowl method. Your specific "system of choice" for generating trade show leads will depend on these two factors:

1. How do you filter out "garbage leads"?

2. How do you encourage your "most wanted leads" —repparttar 103661 people most likely to buy your product — to register?

"Garbage Leads"

So-called "garbage leads" are always a concern in any lead generating effort. You don't want to waste time and money contacting people who have no real interest in your product/service.

The negative value of garbage leads will depend on your follow up strategy. If you plan to enter each contact name in a database and then pursue a systematic follow up strategy that includes telephone, email, and snail mail, thenrepparttar 103662 cost of garbage leads gets magnified. Onrepparttar 103663 other hand, if your plan doesn't go beyond a one-step follow up (email, snail mail, or phone call), thenrepparttar 103664 negative value of garbage leads is not a major concern.

The easiest way to filter garbage leads is to ask people to fill out a simple "Yes I am interested" form. So instead of them throwing a business card in your fish bowl, you're asking them to stop, fill out a form, and place it in a kind of "registration box". You can make your form as brief or as complicated as you like. Obviouslyrepparttar 103665 briefest form will getrepparttar 103666 highest response.

Justrepparttar 103667 act of having to write something down will be a deterrent to many show surfers. If it seems like it would be too negative (resulting in you filtering out leads you really want), then you could simplifyrepparttar 103668 system by attaching a stapler to a chain(!) and asking interested people to just staple a copy of their business card torepparttar 103669 registration form. This has several important advantages:

1. You getrepparttar 103670 contact information you want. 2. You filter out those with absolutely no interest. 3. You catchrepparttar 103671 maximum number of prospects by reducingrepparttar 103672 hassle of registering. 4. You get people without business cards

Providing Incentives to "Register"

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