Airbrush Basics

Written by Andre McFayden

The airbrush is one ofrepparttar best tools for painting a variety of craft and hobby items. When equipped with an air compressor asrepparttar 116052 air source, it becomes like a never-ending spray can, withrepparttar 116053 added benefits of control ofrepparttar 116054 air pressure and ofrepparttar 116055 paint amount. An airbrush can be used to paint plastic models, rc airplanes, t-shirts, nails, and many other items.

How does an airbrush work? Like anything that delivers a fine spray of paint or solvent, it uses Bernoulli’s principle. Air moving at higher velocity has lower pressure. If this air stream happens to be near but above a solvent (e.g. paint),repparttar 116056 solvent will be drawn upwards, towardsrepparttar 116057 fast moving air. When it gets to that stream of air,repparttar 116058 solvent gets broken up into fine particles, and is blown inrepparttar 116059 direction ofrepparttar 116060 airstream.

The basic principle is very simple, and spraying itself is not hard. Choosingrepparttar 116061 right equipment and paints, as well as learning correct spraying technique, does require a bit of study. It does take some practice to turn out finely painted masterpieces.

Playing Ace-King in Texas Holdem

Written by doug tomlinson

Everyone who plays Texas Holdem knows that Ace-King is one ofrepparttar very best starting hands. But, it is just that, a starting hand. It’s only 2 cards of a 7 card equation. In nearly every situation, you want to come out firing with A-K as your hole cards. (The exception would be when faced with a big raise from an early position bettor.) Whenrepparttar 116051 flop comes, you need to reassess your hand and think things through before you just assume your overcards are best.

Like many other situations in Texas Holdem, knowing your opponents will help you gauge your situation when you hold A-K and see a flop like 9-8-2. Since you bet preflop and were called, you assume your opponent is also holding good cards andrepparttar 116052 flop may have missed them as badly as it missed you. Your assumption will often times be correct, but they could be holding a pocket pair and be leading inrepparttar 116053 hand, or worse yet have pocket 9s, 8s, or 2s. Also, don’t forget that many poor players wouldn’t know good cards if they tripped over them and could have called with A-x and pairedrepparttar 116054 board.

If your opponent checks, you could check and see a free card or make a bet and try to pickrepparttar 116055 pot up right

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