Aikido: Sensei Derek Eastman Biography - Part One

Written by Derek Eastman Co-Author of the new book Positive Aikido

Interview with

Sensei Derek Eastman. 5th Dan.

By David J Wilson E.S.T.A. secretary. - July 2003.

I have known Sensei Eastman for some 12 years and during those years I have heard so many stories about both Sensei Eastman and Sensei Ellis and their dedication torepparttar early promotion of UK Aikido, some ofrepparttar 132894 history highlights their hard training and appreciation of a true martial art, yet there are many amusing anecdotes. Sensei Eastman isrepparttar 132895 only Aikido student from 1950's "Hut " dojo who has never given an interview stating that "Sensei Ellis's story is more interesting than mine". I asked Sensei Eastman to letrepparttar 132896 readers decide that on agreeing to this interview…


Q -DW: Sensei Eastman , first I would like to thank you for agreeing to this interview.

A -SE: My pleasure David.

Q -DW: When were you born?

A -DE: I was a premature baby; I was born 20 years too soon onrepparttar 132897 31st-12-1943.

Q -DW: Where were you born?

A -SE: West Kensington (behind Harrods) London.

Q -DW: Before your introduction to Aikido were you ever involved in any other sports.

A -SE: Yes, I was inrepparttar 132898 County school track and field team and would often run for my county school in various events.

Q -DW: Nowrepparttar 132899 important question Sensei, What year did you start your Way in Aikido ?

A -SE: I made a brief start atrepparttar 132900 end of 1959. .

Q -DW: Where did you begin your long journey of Aikido?

A -SE: Atrepparttar 132901 now Internationally famed "Hut" or as it later becamerepparttar 132902 "Abbe School of Budo" It was actually calledrepparttar 132903 "Abbe School of Judo" when I first joined.

First visit torepparttar 132904 " HUT" Dojo.

Q -DW: Would Judo have been your first introduction to martial arts on your first visit Torepparttar 132905 "Hut"?

A -SE: I vividly remember that first visit with a friend of mine, as we walked intorepparttar 132906 Hall no one noticed us as all eyes were focused onrepparttar 132907 action onrepparttar 132908 mat. There was a guy inrepparttar 132909 centre ofrepparttar 132910 mat with a blindfold on who I later came to know as Sensei Harry Ellis. The blind folded student was being attacked by three other high grades, and believe me they were not messing around, in addition to three students attackingrepparttar 132911 blind folded student there was another guy who was obviouslyrepparttar 132912 top man here ( I later found out he was Sensei Williams). He was whackingrepparttar 132913 guy with a shinai (bamboo sword) shouting at him about his bad posture and not moving around fast enough. My friend turned to me and said " Jeeezzz Del ! , I don't want any of that, do you?, I'm out of here". With that he left. Maybe I was not thinking straight but I stayed around and asked for some club information on beginners classes.

Q -DW: After witnessing that first insight intorepparttar 132914 martial arts, why didn't you makerepparttar 132915 same wise move as your friend?

A -SE: I didn't really know what I was watching, my first impression was that maybe it could be ju-jitsu or something like that, hmmm why did I stay? I am not sure, crazier stillrepparttar 132916 question should be why did I sign up. I belonged to a motor cycle gang and I wasrepparttar 132917 proud owner of a Royal Enfield 350cc. I was also too young to hold a driving license. In those days our favourite place wasrepparttar 132918 historic town of Windsor, which was a great meeting place for motorcycle gangs/groups. The problem wasrepparttar 132919 place was full of soldiers ofrepparttar 132920 Castle guard. There were always fights with our guys andrepparttar 132921 soldiers ofrepparttar 132922 Queens Household Cavalry who were a tough old bunch of lads. In one of these frequent battles I got really hammered by one ofrepparttar 132923 Castle guards, I then decided to check outrepparttar 132924 local Judo school, that's it!! I was in there and I joined there and then.

The Beginning of an Aikido Odyssey.

Q -DW: Sensei, tell me about your first class and who was your teacher?

A -SE: My first class was in Sensei Ellis's Monday night beginners class, this wasrepparttar 132925 biggest class ofrepparttar 132926 week with between 40 to 50 students a night onrepparttar 132927 mat. Sensei Ellis's class was always packed to overflowing, andrepparttar 132928 training was always hard, yet I enjoyed it and found that I seemed to fit in naturally to this new martial art of Aikido.

Q -DW: Sensei, you said atrepparttar 132929 beginning of this interview that " I made a brief start in 1959" what did you mean by a brief start?

A -SE: Well, what happened was, I had a very serious crash on my motorcycle and my injuries were severe. I was on crutches for three months. I made a slow but good recovery and eventually went back to Aikido. My teacher was still Sensei Ellis, I had only been back onrepparttar 132930 mat for about 4 or 5 lessons when one evening Sensei Ellis asked Sensei Williams to come onrepparttar 132931 mat and watch something. I soon realised thatrepparttar 132932 something was me, and to my surprise Sensei Ellis was smashing me all overrepparttar 132933 mat, as he threw me I just kept bouncing back up. He then said to Sensei Williams; "Sensei, have you ever seen anyone ukemi like that before?" Sensei Williams then took me down in nikyo, a very painful wrist locking technique, he seemed to hold me down for a very long time before allowing me up. He looked at Sensei Ellis and said "He's only a beginner give him time." Sensei Ellis replied "You told me to take an assistant, that's him!" Sensei Williams looked annoyed and sharply retorted "No! an assistant has to be 3rd kyu or higher" Sensei Ellis was persistent and eventually got his way, of course I was not involved in this discussion. As Sensei Williams walked away Sensei Ellis then asked me to be his assistant. He said I had a week to make up my mind, as I walked away Sensei Ellis said "Derek ! you don't have a choice byrepparttar 132934 way, let me know atrepparttar 132935 end of class". I become Sensei Ellis's Assistant .

Is Aikido a Martial Art ? Part Two

Written by Henry Ellis

Part Two.


Aikidoists are often accused of practicing " Choreographed Aikido" and to be honest I must admit that these claims are very often justified, with Uke (attacker) preparing to break fall long before he makes his attack, and most of them attack off balance , therefore making any multiples of techniques possible withrepparttar minimum of effort and of course this makes Tori (defender) look "fantastic".

What is really sad is that these people believe that this is good Aikido. Kenshiro Abbe Sensei would always say to us that "two" students are training atrepparttar 132893 same time, one is Uke who is learning and improving his attacking techniques and his opponent Tori is also learning and improving his defensive techniques, whilst we were training with Abbe Sensei if Uke's foot or heel came offrepparttar 132894 mat as he attacked Abbe Sensei would giverepparttar 132895 offending leg a good whack with a shinai (bamboo sword) he would then say " My English is very bad but my shinai speaks fluently!".

If Uke attacks on balance then it is obvious that Tori's technique must be good and strong to throw him, and as Abbe Sensei said so many times " two students are training" . Mark Eastman a strong young Dan grade with me went on a seminar recently where there was a 6th Dan. The 6th Dan refused to use him as Uke stating " I can not use you as you do not harmonize with me", he was not being awkward or difficult just attacking on balance.

Diluted training

Today all of these traditional exercises and training methods have now changed to a simple warm up routine with jumping up and down onrepparttar 132896 spot and lots of deep spiritual discussion. Hard exercise is now considered to be aggressive and not in harmony withrepparttar 132897 true spirit of Aikido.

Abbe Sensei said that hard training developedrepparttar 132898 spirit, he also referred to Ki during those early days as he demonstratedrepparttar 132899 power of his technique, when asked to explainrepparttar 132900 meaning of Ki, he said not to worry about Ki as that would be a part of our training and development.

He then said "Only when you reach first Dan will you be able to understandrepparttar 132901 true concept of Ki as a further extension of your Aikido." I still believe that line of thought, andrepparttar 132902 instructors in our dojo's very rarely speak of Ki although it is taught as a important and integral part of our training and study.

Ki Aikido

Although Ki is generally recognized asrepparttar 132903 spirit and breathing duringrepparttar 132904 application of technique, every teacher and student will offer a very wide and varied and sometimes bizarre interpretation ofrepparttar 132905 meaning of this much abused word. The main problems arise and are created byrepparttar 132906 teachers themselves, who very often mislead their students torepparttar 132907 extent that they almost believe that Ki is a form of magic. The following is one prime example from a very prominent Aikido magazines letters section.

Title: The Spirit of Protection I am a carpenter and 2nd kyu in Aikido. I was working in a large new home doing repair work, I had finished my job and was heading for a long staircase when I noticedrepparttar 132908 owners two year old son was heading forrepparttar 132909 same stairs fromrepparttar 132910 opposite direction. As he approachedrepparttar 132911 top ofrepparttar 132912 stair he was watching me and not where he was going. I was too far away to grab him, so I shot to him (irimi) and stuck my arm straight out to him, my "Ki" went throughrepparttar 132913 little boys' face and outrepparttar 132914 back of his head, he fell backwards and started crying. His mother heardrepparttar 132915 crying and came uprepparttar 132916 stairs, when I told her what had happened, she thanked me, I said "Don't thank me, Thank Aikido".

That poor child may well now be as disturbed asrepparttar 132917 writer.

Harry Potter Ryu

There are many such misguided examples which I will refer to in future articles, it is this kind of nonsense that brings Aikidos credibility into doubt I am fully aware that every martial art has its own version of " Harry Potter" in their ranks, what I fail to understand is that there are more of them in Aikido than allrepparttar 132918 other martial arts combined.

The reason that I am so critical and vociferous about Aikido is that every day I see these people watering down this great martial art that I have spent most of my life studying, teaching and promoting forrepparttar 132919 past 46 years. I am often asked "Sensei, which do you think isrepparttar 132920 best and worst martial art".

I always makerepparttar 132921 same reply " Allrepparttar 132922 martial arts are good, if there is a problem with any martial art, then it can only berepparttar 132923 people who represent that particular art who misrepresent their art



The Converted

In articles parts one and two I have coveredrepparttar 132924 introduction of Aikido torepparttar 132925 West, andrepparttar 132926 impact on other Martial Artists, Aikido progressed and developed inrepparttar 132927 UK by visiting existing dojos of allrepparttar 132928 various Martial Arts and offering to demonstrate and teach for free inrepparttar 132929 hope of starting a small class inrepparttar 132930 more receptive dojos, as one can imagine this was no easy task as more often than not our efforts were not an open invitation to most dojos. Inrepparttar 132931 endrepparttar 132932 positive style ofrepparttar 132933 early Aikido won through, and this is a very important point to make inrepparttar 132934 early development of Western Aikido was that most ofrepparttar 132935 new students of Aikido were from other Martial Arts. I do not believe that we could have converted other Martial Artists to Aikido had it not been so strong and effective.

Kenshiro Abbe Sensei - 8th Dan Judo, 6th Dan Karate, 6th Dan Kendo, 6th Dan Aikido.

Bad breath!

I have referred torepparttar 132936 many changes in Aikido overrepparttar 132937 past 46 years from its history to training and choreography and Ki Aikido and alsorepparttar 132938 many Harry Potters ofrepparttar 132939 Aikido world, as a direct result of these articles I was contacted by a Aikido student inrepparttar 132940 UK to tell me that she had now stopped training in Aikido because her teacher stated that he was now going to teachrepparttar 132941 students "To breath through their toes".

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