After Your Interview - What Must You Do Next?

Written by Roger Clark

Other than actually landingrepparttar interview itself and living through it, waiting afterrepparttar 141846 interview and wondering whether you will get a phone call or a rejection letter can be one ofrepparttar 141847 most difficult aspects of searching for a job. What you do afterrepparttar 141848 interview should actually start while you are still ‘working’repparttar 141849 interview.

Prior to leaving make sure that you have notedrepparttar 141850 name ofrepparttar 141851 person or persons who interviewed you. This will come in handy later for a number of purposes. Also, do make sure that you shake hands once again with your interviewer and thank them for takingrepparttar 141852 time to meet with you. Also, it’s not out of line to ask when they expect to be making a decision. This gives you a timeline to go by.

Always be sure to send a thank-you letter. This practice not only demonstrates good social etiquette but it also helps to keep you and your skills fresh inrepparttar 141853 mind ofrepparttar 141854 interviewer. On some occasions an interviewer already has an idea byrepparttar 141855 timerepparttar 141856 interviews are completed who they will be calling to offerrepparttar 141857 job; however on many more occasions they still remain unsure who will be awarded that coveted slot. Sometimes they want a little time to ‘sleep’ onrepparttar 141858 decision or they may need to consult supervisors or others within their organization regardingrepparttar 141859 hiring decision. If a decision has not already been reached inrepparttar 141860 mind ofrepparttar 141861 employer when all ofrepparttar 141862 interviews have been completed, takingrepparttar 141863 time to send a thank-you letter can go a long way toward making sure you don’t get lost inrepparttar 141864 shuffle.

While it’s a good idea to send a polite thank you note torepparttar 141865 person who interviewed you it is not a good idea to pester that person to no end. The only result you are likely to achieve through this strategy is alienating yourself from them and assuring that you won’t getrepparttar 141866 job. Although ‘don’t take no for an answer’ is a strategy that many aggressive job coaches recommend; it is still always best to observe polite social standards.

That is not to say that you should sit byrepparttar 141867 phone and allow several weeks to elapse, waiting, while you hear nothing and do nothing. Ideally, your thank you letter should have gone outrepparttar 141868 same day asrepparttar 141869 interview, no later thanrepparttar 141870 following day. This means thatrepparttar 141871 interviewer should receive it within one to two days followingrepparttar 141872 initial interview.

Keep track of whenrepparttar 141873 employer indicated a decision would be made and if that time has come and gone, it is perfectly permissible to go ahead and phone them. However; when you do makerepparttar 141874 call, be polite. State your name,repparttar 141875 date you interviewed andrepparttar 141876 position for which you interviewed. You may say that you are following up to inquire as to whether a decision has been made.

Technology in the Workplace - Boon or Curse?

Written by Roger Clark

Like all new innovations, technology inrepparttar work environment can either work for you or against you. What is good forrepparttar 141845 employer or is not alwaysrepparttar 141846 same forrepparttar 141847 employee.

Is Technology Working FOR You or AGAINST You

When cellphones became available it seemed that they would fill a need for instant communication - any time, any place - that would help people be more efficient and thus save time.

Then email became a mainstream method of business communication. Marvelous - now telephones wouldn't ring offrepparttar 141848 hook, messages would not have to be stored and retrieved as verbal communications, which took time. Instead, information would be clear and concise and could be retrieved and answered any time, any where - againrepparttar 141849 promise of more freedom.

With email, internet and cellphones, was it really necessary for workers to be restrained torepparttar 141850 office? Maybe shorter work days would ensue. Perhaps parents could collect their children from school and be contacted at home via either of these methods.

The work world was changing.

This truth came about as more workers were able to take their jobs with them. The travel from home to work and back again was no longer a barrier for actually DOINGrepparttar 141851 work.

Telecommunication was making itself an integral part of conducting business. With cellphones and email, distance, time and travel were no longer barriers to conducting business effectively.

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