Afraid of dying? ... Afraid of living!

Written by Edward B. Toupin

Overrepparttar years, I've heard many people voice their concerns of death and dying. It wasn't that they had any maladies that would cause them to die any time soon, but they were "afraid of their own immortality." The basic idea of death, orrepparttar 123287 potential of death, created a mind-numbing fear that, in some cases, forced them into isolation to avoid anything that could increase their chances of dying.

Although this might sound like a gruesome topic, it is important, as one ofrepparttar 123288 most common situations associated with a fear of dying is actually a "fear of living." One fears death because they've not learned how to live. They are afraid that there won't be enough time to live a full life and inrepparttar 123289 process wasterepparttar 123290 time worrying about not living. Believe it or not, this is more common than you might think.

One ofrepparttar 123291 other, underlying, reasons for fear of death isrepparttar 123292 ingrained parental voices of society and religion that, indeed, we will perish inrepparttar 123293 afterlife. One needs to evaluaterepparttar 123294 realities of their spiritualism to ensure that those beliefs provide comfort and support throughout life. However, why must one examine spiritualism externally since we are our own gods and our own spiritual essence?

From some ofrepparttar 123295 situations I've noticed in my work and studies, many of my clients, and others, have a distinct belief in something outside that creates their essence --- or on which their essence is based. By believing and honoring this "thing", "being", "organization", etc., they feel as though they are part of something greater. It also provides them with "softer answers" torepparttar 123296 "larger questions" --- otherwise known as faith. Indeed, there are no soft answers and it is in those realities that we can grow and eliminate fear.

Of course, I can't blame these individuals for feeling and believingrepparttar 123297 way they do as their ideas have been handed down overrepparttar 123298 generations by society and religion. If these ideas were to be ripped from them, it would throw them into a whirlwind of confusion and instill hatred that they were misled all these years.

It is seen by society that control is easier to maintain on fearful "lost sheep", or "cattle", that have faith in a supreme being --- "authority". If people believe in themselves and their own internal gods and spiritualism, then they no longer belong to a group and can no longer be swayed torepparttar 123299 will of those in power.

In fact, by allowing people to believe, and teaching such beliefs, in their inner gods and spiritualism, they do indeed belong to a group --- a much larger group consisting of everyone and everything --- this instead of segregating groups by concocted, shaky, and fear-inducing beliefs. Could this berepparttar 123300 answer to many of today's problems? Instead of pointing to a multitude of greater beings and dictating what these beings tell each group of believers simply to create a rift atrepparttar 123301 political and religious levels, perhaps by believing in oneself asrepparttar 123302 creator and understanding that we are all creators thatrepparttar 123303 turmoil might decrease or desist.

My Inner What?

Written by Claudette Rowley

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Word Count: 736

Thanks, Claudette Rowley ==============================================================

My Inner What? Claudette Rowley Copyright 2004

"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens." - Carl Jung

Many of my clients want to design a vision for their life or work that's truly compelling to them. I define a compelling vision as one that motivates you to push past your internal barriers to embrace what you deeply and fundamentally desire. This can be in any area of your life - work, relationships, health, spirituality or fun. Included inrepparttar 123286 process of creating a compelling vision is giving yourself full permission to identify what you would LOVE to manifest in your life. You get to want what you want.

One ofrepparttar 123287 keys to selecting and implementing a vision - knowing what's right for you - is listening closely to your inner voice. Your inner voice is another name for your unique, internal wisdom -repparttar 123288 part of yourself that knows what is true and best for you. Although we are each born with this wisdom intact, it often gets swallowed in a sea of external voices, opinions and judgments.

Learning to hear your inner voice strengthens your ability to identify your compelling vision. Your access to this wisdom assists you in knowing if you are selectingrepparttar 123289 biggest, most fulfilling vision for you. It guides you as you build vision and gives you direction when it becomes time to release or expand a vision. Here are three pathways to listening to your inner voice.

1. Tap into your heart's wisdom.

Social conditioning teaches us to be logical and "use our heads." When you only use your head, your experience of yourself andrepparttar 123290 world is limited. You miss out on vital information from your emotions.

Benefits: The same neurological tissue found inrepparttar 123291 brain is found inrepparttar 123292 heart. The heart is a second "brain" and our emotional center. Listening to your head and your heart is crucial to good decision-making about your life, business, relationships, and vision.

New Focus: Put your hand over your heart and focus there - what is your heart's message?

2. Connect with your body.

Your body gives you a tremendous amount of useful information that you may not consciously perceive. For example, when your mother-in-law visits, does your stomach tie up in knots? When your boss yells at you, do your shoulders turn into stone? When you feel passionate and alive, does your chest feel warm and open? When we ignorerepparttar 123293 body's messages, we lose valuable information designed to let us know what works for us and what doesn't.

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