We often get asked by affiliates about how to successfully deal with affiliate programs. There are many ways - and different Internet "gurus" will give you different answers.Here are top seven tips that our top consulting editors normally give:
1. Make no mistake about it - merchants and Internet marketers are in business to make money for themselves. They are not interested in helping you to take cash away from them. Their mission is to make as much money as they can - and to give away minimum they have to. Many merchants and marketers use "tricks" and "tactics" to ensure that they always get best out of deal.
2. You must be alert and awake - what tactics are merchants and marketers using to grab your traffic? Many of them will "steal" your traffic and you will not get as much as a simple "thank you" - let alone bags of cash they all promise.
3. Do you carefully follow what merchants and marketers tell you? They often give you "helpful advice" so that you may maximize your affiliate income. Here's sad truth - if you follow them like "blind sheep" - you will increase their profits, not yours.
4. Do you monitor level of traffic you generate for merchants and marketers? Does this convert to sales and cash? If not, what is happening to your traffic? You need to look into that.