Over years, affiliate programs have grown in popularity, and today there are literally millions of people involved. While some are doing very well in these programs, others are not. Has saturation point been reached, and this is no longer a viable approach? Let's discuss this a bit.There are affiliate programs, and then again there are affiliate programs. Some are good, and others you may wish to avoid. Before you pick one, realize that web is loaded with these programs, and you are not only competing with other programs, you are also competing with those that have joined yours.
But don't be ready to throw in towel. The prospects are out there, and growing daily as more and more people join web. It does however require that you do your homework before jumping in with both feet.
Is company you are considering reputable? This is important. How long has company been in "pre-launch"? Some have been in this phase for much too long that odds are they will never get started. Talk with others who are already involved to ensure that company is on up and up. Are they are getting paid on a timely basis? If you don't feel comfortable with a particular company, look for another.
You are going to be spending a lot of time promoting program, and sinking some of your hard earned money into advertising it. First examine what you are currently involved with. If you already have your own web site; and if you don't why not, try to pick affiliate programs that are compatible with what you are already doing.
Many people will recommend that you get involved with one, and only one, and that you put all your effort into promoting it. While there is merit to this way of thinking, if you can get involved with programs that complement each other, you can do promotion on your web site with little extra effort. Someone may visit your site as a result of your ad for a particular program. Many times however, they will also buy into another program you are promoting. But don't get involved with so many that your site is simply cluttered up, and has no discernable purpose.