Affiliate Marketing Nightmare - Don't Let This Happen To You!

Written by Chris Ellington

Everyone knows that affiliates can make or break a company's success rate. Ken Evoy has a whole army of people motivated to earn click-through commissions on his Site Sell program. Marlon Sanders and Yanik Silver have made fortunes with (and for) their affiliates.

"If you've got an e-commerce website," I was frequently told by my internet savvy friends, "you have GOT to have an affiliate program." I took that to heart. "Ok!" I said, and when I created, I made sure that I developed a compelling offer for affiliates.

So what'srepparttar nightmare? Here I had createdrepparttar 149729 perfect program for affiliates and what kind of results was I getting? None. Nada. Zilch. A big fat zero. There was no lineup of affiliates banging atrepparttar 149730 door.

Has this happened to you? Is your affiliate program going nowhere? Here isrepparttar 149731 step-by-step analysis of what makes an affiliate program take off, and how my results were impacted by each one.

Offer a good deal – make it worth their while Affiliates will not promote your product because it "feels good". An emotional payoff might be sufficient for non-profit organizations or political campaigns, but that's not enough inrepparttar 149732 cold, hard world of e-commerce. Affiliates are looking for products and services that quickly convert to sale.

Affiliates don't mind pre-selling your goods to their lists and visitors, but you have got to make it worth their effort. Don't be cheap. Give your affiliates a good deal. Unless you're selling Lear Jets or Rolls Royces, that 5% commission you are thinking about isn't going to get anyone excited about being your representative.

How did I fare against this point? I nailed it. I made sure to offer 50% commissions and a lifetime customer program. Residual and recurring revenue are automatic. For any customer that one of my affiliates sends to my site, they get paid. Not just onrepparttar 149733 first sale either. They get paid every time that person spends money, renews a subscription, or buys something else.

But evidently that was not enough. I had my program set up to offer a good, profitable deal for affiliates. So I moved torepparttar 149734 next point:

Provide personal service – be responsive Affiliates are your business partners, not cattle to be herded. Treat them with respect, provide them withrepparttar 149735 tools they need to be successful, and be responsive when your affiliates ask for help, guidance or tools. Inrepparttar 149736 end, it will make things better for you. Make sure you take care of your affiliates.

Well I am a naturally outgoing guy, so I have a tendency to reach out to customers, partners and business associates. It's just who I am. I like people. I send email, write articles, post inrepparttar 149737 blog – I'm a communicative guy. I've got my phone number onrepparttar 149738 site, and I personally answer my phone. So personal service couldn't be my problem. But still, why weren't people signing up to be affiliates? I moved on torepparttar 149739 next point:

Brainstorm: The Essential First Step to Website Development

Written by Kenneth Elliott

Brainstorming could be one ofrepparttar most important steps when starting a website. Brainstorming gives yourepparttar 149501 focus on what content that you want to relate to your audience. It gives you ideas of what topics will interest you. As well as, it gives your mindrepparttar 149502 chance to dream. So, get a pencil and let’s get started!

Sit down and ask yourselfrepparttar 149503 following questions: First and foremost, “What interests me?”, “What drives your interests…Is it swimming? “. Now for example if your interest is swimming, you need to askrepparttar 149504 question “What is it about swimming that interests me?”. Is it accomplishing a certain amount of laps a day? That is just one example here are some others: Is your interest fishing? What kind of fish do you catch? What lures do you use? Is it traveling? What wasrepparttar 149505 most exotic location you ever visited? What did you do while their? What sites did you see?

You see you need to take time to jot down allrepparttar 149506 things that interest you. Allow your mind to be free flowing during this exercise. Do not limit yourself in any manner. Also do not erase any ideas, this is just brainstorming. Which means you cannot be wrong. This is important because this one list could drive your whole career in affiliate marketing. I still maintain my original list and I update it regularly. I keep my notebook by my side at all times, because you never know when something will give you that inspiration that could make you thousands of dollars one day.

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